[Avatar Fic] Black and Gold

Aug 11, 2010 18:01

Someday I might write about my offline life again. Today is not that day. Reposting my atlaland entry for the last contest.

Title: Black and Gold
Characters: Azula, Mai (one-sided Azula/Mai)
Rating: G
Word Count: 300+ words
Summary: Mai is happy to be back with Zuko. Azula isn't.

Black and Gold


A small smile plays around Mai's lips.

Azula trails off in conversation as she watches the other girl saunter through the corridors of the Earth King's palace. There is a sway to Mai's hips that wasn't there the day before, so small and tight that it is barely there. A few loose strands of hair tickled the back of her neck, undone from her usually perfect hairstyle.

"Where were you last night?" Azula waits until Mai is beside her to speak. She does not turn her head to look at the other girl. Mai should be the one looking at her, not the other way around.

"Zuko took me out," Mai says mildly. Her voice is different, a thread of gold woven through all the greys and blacks of Mai's usual detached boredom.

Azula does not know when she has ever heard Mai speak like that before. She does not know why her heart clenches and burns black, either. Gold eyes narrow, and out of the corner of her eye, she sees Mai's widen.

The other girl is looking at her. Good.

"I'm so delighted you and my brother are reacquainting yourselves," Azula lies. Her lips curve in something that almost might be a smile. "But Ty Lee and I haven't seen you hardly at all since we took Ba Sing Se. We miss you."

"I see Ty Lee every day," Mai says without inflection. "We share a room."

That is Mai's voice that Azula is used to hearing. But it just makes her heartfire burn all the blacker to hear, instead of settling her mind. She keeps the smile on her face, though, as she tilts her head towards Mai. "But Ty Lee is so often with me during the day, and you hardly ever are, Mai." Her smile widens. "I know! Why don't the three of us have dinner tonight together?"

Mai's eyes are pale and flat. "Of course, Azula."

"Good." Azula turns her attention back to her Dai Li, and Mai walks away. A little thrill of gold runs through Azula as she sees the other girl's hips no longer sway as she walks.


character: mai, table: 100_women, character: azula, writing, series: avatar

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