Title: Expecting
Pairing: Pakku/Yugoda
Rating: G
Words: 200+
Summary: Pakku proposes again. Yugoda lets him down much more gently than Kanna did.
"We should be married," Pakku says, his fingers tracing the soft curve of her belly.
They are words to make any girl's heart soar, Yugoda thinks. Any girl but her and Kanna. They knew the waterbending master better than anyone but Master Sirmik, maybe even better than Pakku's teacher. They knew, and Kanna ran rather than go through with marriage to Pakku. Not because she didn't like Pakku, Kanna assured her best friend the night before she left, but because...
Because never got answered; her younger brother came in then and the girls' talk turned to something else.
Yugoda has formed her own opinions on what the because was: because Kanna didn't like Pakku enough to survive a marriage with him.
Yugoda didn't, either, but she liked the waterbending master well enough to leave her parka's top three buttons unbuttoned whenever he came around. It took a few years after Kanna ran away for Pakku to catch the hint, but then...
Two waterbending masters could be incredible together.
Kanna still had Pakku's betrothal necklace, too, so Yugoda never worried about it being given to her. Pakku wouldn't dishonor the woman he loved by considering their betrothal null when she hadn't declared it so.
Except, of course, when a matter of even more importance comes along. Like his unmarried lover expecting a child.
Yugoda smiles up at him, pressing her hand over his. "You are betrothed to someone else, Pakku. No."
His shoulders tense, his eyes hard as the glacier-ice making up his heart. "Yugoda, we must. People will talk, they will tear you down, your child will never be accepted-"
Yugoda laughs softly and clasps his hand. "Pakku, I'll say what women with bastards have always said: it's a spirit's child."
Pakku stares at her, and she laughs again. Oh, men.