Also known as the cyberpunk and urban fantasy AUs from my
10 AUs mini-meme. Each has a plot, though the cyberpunk one is more loosely connected than the urban fantasy one.
Technologic Stories
Mai/Zuko (scroll down to #2)
Sokka/Zuko (scroll down to #2)
Pakku (scroll down to #2)
Jet and Ursa (scroll down to #2)
Long Feng and Hyo (scroll down to #2)
Kuei (scroll down to #2)
Ozai (scroll down to #2)
Jeong Jeong (scroll down to #2)
Jee/Zuko (scroll down to #2)
Katara (scroll down to #2)
Sokka and Pakku, closing the eye of the storm Changeling Mai Stories
Haru, forging the black sword-
Mai/Zuko (scroll down to #9)
Sokka/Zuko (scroll down to #9)
Pakku (scroll down to #9)
Jet and Ursa (scroll down to #9)
Long Feng and Hyo (scroll down to #9)
Kuei (scroll down to #9)
Ozai (scroll down to #9)
Jeong Jeong (scroll down to #9)
Jee/Zuko (scroll down to #9)
Katara (scroll down to #9)
Haru, melancholy-
Pakku and Ozai, rivers-
Hakoda and Piandao, "If my fate is to die, I must simply laugh."