[Jeeko Week] Fic: Burn

Apr 08, 2010 07:07

Jeeko Week

- Morning Routine by the_feral_goat
- Body by spyridona

Title: Burn
Word Count: 200+
Rating: G
Summary: Lieutenant Jee thinks there are holes in Prince Zuko's firebending training.




Zuko startled, his fire-blast flaring hotter than he'd intended; it had been a long time since he heard his name without title. At least from someone other than his uncle.

He couldn't remember Jee ever using his name before.

"Lieutenant Jee," he growled, sliding out of his firebending stance. "What?"

The lieutenant frowned at him, and Zuko tried to ignore the little roil in his stomach. He tried not to think of the fact that the lieutenant wasn't looking him up and down, even though he was shirtless, even though his firebending training sculpted him. It was the scar, the dishonor, he thought, then realized it for an excuse. None of the men avoided looking at his scar.

"Who taught you to firebend?" The lieutenant asked roughly.

Zuko bristled, so used to hearing anger from the other man he didn't think about what else could roughen a man's voice. "My esteemed uncle."

"An army officer. No wonder." Jee turned on his heel. "Come on, let's teach you something worthwhile."

"Like what?" Zuko demanded, following after the lieutenant.

"Black-gang work."

That brought Zuko up short, and he crossed his arms. Black-gang work? Maintaining the steam for a ship's engine by constantly using your firebending to boil water? "Why do I need to know that?"

Jee glanced over his shoulder. "How long can you maintain a burn, Zuko?"

Zuko hesitated, wracking his brains for an answer that wouldn't sound pathetic.

"That's why you're going to learn black-gang work. Come on."


ship week: jeeko, series: avatar, character: jee, character: zuko

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