[Fic] Slice of Life with a Side of Eggs

Apr 05, 2010 18:15

Title: Slice of Life with a Side of Eggs
Fandom: Magistream
Characters: Becca, Puck
Word Count: 1100+
Rating: G
Summary: It's a beautiful day outside, and one young magi doesn't believe in knocking.
Author's Notes: It's a self-insertion fic! Because it's also a fic based on a clickable pets site, and what the heck else am I supposed to write?

For the even vaguely curious: my creatures and Puck's creatures.

Slice of Life with a Side of Eggs



Puck looked up as Becca burst into her room. A leaf clung unhappily to the other magi's hair, neeking softly, and a green alphyn trotted at her heels. It wandered over to sniff at Puck with interest, then to sniff the beds of Puck's own alphyn. Its tail thumped as it found the little green pup, who barked sharply at it.

"Becca. You do understand the concept of knocking, right?" Puck asked after a moment, staring at her friend.

"... Maybe?"

"So what's so interesting today that you can't knock? Have the capricorns been doing something new?"

The leaf neekered and clambered through Becca's hair. "Well, besides the farir being in bloom? The platypi laid eggs! I fished one out of the stream, and it just hatched the other day! It is all soft and duck-billed, and-" Like usual, when she get excited, Becca started talking fast and slurring words together. She paused as the alphyn nosed at her hand, then untucked her carry-bag and held it open. "Look!"

Puck leaned over to look. There, in a nest of soft water-grasses and cloth, there was a small ball of brown fur. It stirred at the sudden change in light, poking out little feet, a duck-billed head, and a flat tail.

Becca cooed, and the leaf peered down from the top of her head.

Puck eeeed softly. "Cute!"

"They're chockful of luck magic, too. You should get down to the stream with some of your books and fish for eggs." Becca gently stroked the platypus's back, then folded the flap back down on her carry-bag.

"Good luck or bad luck?"

"Depends. Mostly good luck. But don't make them think you're a threat. The males have a bad luck venom in their heel-spurs."


Something rumbled, and they both glanced over at Puck's bed. In the corner of the bed, her Telvian panther stretched, its edges fading in and out of visibility. Yellow eyes blinked at the pair of them, then the panther stretched and began to groom itself.

"You let her sleep on your bed?" Becca asked as the leaf skittered over to the side of her head away from the panther.

"Sure." Puck shrugged, glancing at Luna. "She's warm at night, and she protects the eggs."

"Mine tries to push me off the bed. So he sleeps outside most nights." Becca tilted her head slightly, then leaned over to peer out the window. "Lovely day. I should probably go check on my eggs and my babies."

"I thought that was what the carry-bag was for." Puck glanced at her own eggs. One that looked like a lump of coal sat in the fire itself, while the ibex and gryphon eggs rested in nests of sticks. Her hatchlings were mostly off with the adults of their respective species, though the two anaugi hatchlings were also curled in the fire. "Remind me to make one of those when my current set of hatchlings are all grown up."

Becca looked embarrassed. "One of my eggs is on fire. It's kind of hard to keep in the bag."

"New phoenix?" Puck asked, wandering over to turn her gryphon egg to get more even heating.

"Nope! A fellow from Synara City gave me a hellhound egg!"

Puck blinked, then twisted to look at her friend. A hellhound. Someone gave Becca a hellhound? Was that person out of their damnfool mind? "Never mind why someone would give you a demon, what did you do?"

"I went down to the caves of Nareau and wrangled a crystalwing for a really awesome gem that the guy in Synara City could give to his lady-friend to prove how awesome he was." Becca beamed.

"... Do you ever actually attend classes?"

"I've taken all of the required classes. Anything else is just lagniappe." Becca drew herself up haughtily. The effect was rather ruined by the leaf neeking and scambling around her hair.

"I've always been secretly convinced that the reason you're still alive has nothing to do with what you actually know." Puck crossed her arms. "Who was the one who gave me a lecture about skipping classes on beautiful days?"

"That's different! This was travel and doing someone a favor!"

Puck gave her friend a hard look. So did Becca's alphyn.

"It is," Becca said sulkily. The leaf neeked and gently petted the top of her ear.


The leaf abruptly neeked in fear and dove under Becca's hair. Puck glanced over to see the magnificent rainbow plumage of an adult puvia sticking her head into the open window. Iris warbled softly and reached in further to preen Puck's hair.

"It's a beautiful day out," Becca said longingly. "We should go fish for eggs."

"I've got too many eggs right now," Puck replied, reaching up to gently stroke her puvia's neck. Iris eyes closed in pleasure and made a sound almost like a chittering purr.

"So do I. We should go anyway." Becca grinned, giving her a thumbs-up.

Puck found herself grinning almost despite herself. She had to admit, despite Becca's ability to flip through emotions faster than a phoenix could fly and her lack of common sense, when the other woman was on her game, she was on her game.

"Let me grab a few books," Puck said, snatching up the readings she had for her Advanced Jomtrie and Arkene History classes. "You get the ibex egg, it's almost close to hatching."

"Sure, sure." Becca conjured an eggpot with the ease of practice, then went about transferring the nest and ibex egg into the pot. Her carry-bag got slung around to her back as she tucked the pot under her arm. "You want to grab lunch from the kitchens?"

"A picnic would be great. Hey, you took Jomtrie, didn't you?"

"As little as possible. Al-Jibber, that I can do. Jomtrie, you'd get more out of your puvia than from me."

Puck shook her head. "I hate numeromancy."

"Then why do you keep taking it?"

"Because it's useful. Why do you keep talking enchantment classes?"

"I like making things. Ooh, can we go down to the lake after lunch? I want to check on my goat-fishes."



"... You're saying it with that funny spelling, aren't you?"

So chattering, they passed through the hallowed halls of the Keep and out through the courtyard. Younger magi scattered out of their path, because Puck had learned a long time ago that if you looked like you were going to walk over someone before you'd move aside, they'd get out of your way first. Then it was down through the town and out into the woods, following the enthralling chatter of the Stream.

Today really was a beautiful day.


game: magistream, writing, table: story_lottery

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