Baaaaaaaaby Meme!

Feb 05, 2010 20:21

Because my hormones are flailing at me and demanding procreation. Stupid hormones.

- Two slots unless you're one of the people I normally give extra slots to. In that case, you get five.
- Male/female pairings only. Or female/female with suggested sperm donors. I've already done an mpreg meme, kthx ( Read more... )

character: katara, character: earth kingdom, character: hyo, character: suki, character: mai, character: jet, character: hitozi and ursa, character: song, character: next-gen avatar, character: fire nation, character: zuko, character: ozai, character: megatron, character: ursa, writing, series: avatar, character: hahn, series: g1 transformers, character: seekers, character: oc transformers, series: reboot, character: toph, character: azula, character: long feng, character: iroh

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Toph/Zuko, everyone expects their kid to be a real hellion beckyh2112 February 6 2010, 03:54:01 UTC
Toph cradled the kid to her chest, grinning in exhaustion. "Hah!"

The midwife shifted on the bed, and Toph assumed she was being given a stern look. Woman totally didn't have any sense of humor. Toph would have way preferred the servants' midwife, but no, Zuko thought they had to do this all official and traditional. Like she didn't know how to push or something.

Still, she felt stone in the kid's bones. Like her and Haru and the Boulder and Long Feng and Kuei. That made up for a lot of unpleasantness.

"Hah?" Zuko asked from the other side of her, and the bed shifted under him as he laid a hand on her shoulder. "You did it."

"Of course I did, Sparky." Toph grinned. "Tell me what he looks like."

"Um." Zuko paused, and she listened to his breathing and the midwife's breathing. "Small. Red. Wet. Wrinkly. His eyes look like mine when he bothers to open them."

"He needs a name," the Seneschal volunteered from her post by the door. "It won't be officially announced until he survives his first week, but I'm sure you would prefer to call him something rather than 'the boy'."

Zuko made some waffling noises that basically came down to him agreeing but having no ideas about names. That was just fine by Toph.

Her grin stretched even wider. "Let's call him Sozin."


Re: Toph/Zuko, everyone expects their kid to be a real hellion littleseastar February 6 2010, 04:48:21 UTC
Oh, Toph. <3333
This is amazing. My favorite Toph-as-a-mother story I've read.


Re: Toph/Zuko, everyone expects their kid to be a real hellion beckyh2112 February 6 2010, 22:15:08 UTC
Thank you! Do you know of any good Toph-as-a-mother fic you'd recommend, by the way? I'm in a mood to read it some as well as write it.


Re: Toph/Zuko, everyone expects their kid to be a real hellion littleseastar February 6 2010, 22:36:49 UTC
Sadly, I have no idea where they are. They were in meme form like this, and when I try to remember anything other than the content (like who they were by) I can't recall. Sorry.


Re: Toph/Zuko, everyone expects their kid to be a real hellion avocado_love February 6 2010, 05:46:58 UTC
I simply adore Toph in this. <3

Of course she'd want to name the kid Sozin. Her Earthbending kid, Sozin. *grin*

I like the detail you put in about not announcing the birth until the kid has been alive a week. Very cultural.

Thanks for writing this!


Re: Toph/Zuko, everyone expects their kid to be a real hellion beckyh2112 February 6 2010, 22:16:52 UTC
Thank you! And she totally would. Just for the LULZ when it comes out that he's an earthbender.

There's a fair to middling chance the kid will die, given the current tech-level of the Avatar universe. (He won't, because I would have too much fun with little earthbender Prince Sozin. But the characters don't know that.) So I figured it'd make sense. Don't know if a week is typical in China or Japan, but I've been researching medieval Islam lately so I borrowed from them.

You're welcome!


Re: Toph/Zuko, everyone expects their kid to be a real hellion crystaldrake February 6 2010, 21:19:45 UTC
Ahh, Toph is great in this. I love the last line. :)


Re: Toph/Zuko, everyone expects their kid to be a real hellion beckyh2112 February 6 2010, 22:14:24 UTC
Thank you! Toph's a fun sort of mother. Definitely the type of "if it doesn't kill them, they'll be fine". ^__^


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