Baaaaaaaaby Meme!

Feb 05, 2010 20:21

Because my hormones are flailing at me and demanding procreation. Stupid hormones.

- Two slots unless you're one of the people I normally give extra slots to. In that case, you get five.
- Male/female pairings only. Or female/female with suggested sperm donors. I've already done an mpreg meme, kthx ( Read more... )

character: katara, character: earth kingdom, character: hyo, character: suki, character: mai, character: jet, character: hitozi and ursa, character: song, character: next-gen avatar, character: fire nation, character: zuko, character: ozai, character: megatron, character: ursa, writing, series: avatar, character: hahn, series: g1 transformers, character: seekers, character: oc transformers, series: reboot, character: toph, character: azula, character: long feng, character: iroh

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Zuko/Mai, family time with the little prince beckyh2112 February 6 2010, 03:13:13 UTC
Hitozi stomped his foot. "I don't wanna!"

"Do it anyway," Mai said to her son.

The young prince scowled, looking so much like his father it made her smile. A pair of weighted wooden practice swords lay at his feet, dropped in his current fit of temper. "I did it ten times already!"

"You're halfway done then," she said mildly.

Hitozi scowled even harder, and Mai mentally braced herself for a full-scale temper-tantrum. She did not enjoy having to turn her back and ignore it while her son screamed and wept. But, better she did it than Zuko, since he couldn't handle it at all.

He wanted to coddle his son far too much. Mai loved his protective love for Hitozi, but she knew her son needed to learn how to fight even more quickly and efficiently than either she or Zuko had.

He couldn't 'bend, after all, and he was the only child of an unpopular Firelord. There would come a day when neither she, Zuko, nor the guards would be quite fast enough.

Hitozi would have to be fast enough himself.

Her son crossed his arms. "I want to practice what Grandfather taught me."

Mai raised an eyebrow. "When did your grandfather teach you anything, Hitozi?"

"When you were busy with the little bear." Hitozi looked far too smug. He really was picking up bad habits from Ozai.

"Your swords first. Then the rest of your training." Mai made a mental note to ask Ty Lee to teach Hitozi unarmed combat. Her friend would be much better for the young prince than the fallen Phoenix King.


Re: Zuko/Mai, family time with the little prince littleseastar February 6 2010, 04:36:32 UTC
Hitozi is a pretty cool name.
I love the little reference to Zuko being totally unable to brave tantrums. xD Mai is definitely the disciplinarian.


Re: Zuko/Mai, family time with the little prince beckyh2112 February 6 2010, 13:50:26 UTC
Hitozi's probably my longest-running next-gen character. I think he even has his own character tag.


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