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For suzukiblu: Centaur Aang beckyh2112 January 4 2010, 03:39:33 UTC
Aang was hardly more than a colt when he saw the girl. She was dark-skinned and lovely, with hair the color of Water Tribe seal-pelts and clothes the color of Water Tribe blues. Which, considering she was Water Tribe, made sense.

She was also fighting like hell against a young man in blood-red armor. He was pale with a shaved scalp except for a black horsetail, one side of his face horribly burned. The scar was bloody-red too, though maybe Aang was just biased.

He liked wine-red better than blood-red, and he didn't like this young man holding the girl.

He was only a little palomino colt, but he was fast.

His front hooves pawed at the ground, and he thought about the wind. He thought about the feel of it streaming through his tail, the feel of his body as he ran and ran until he was part of the wind. He thought of the bite of it in winter, and the relief of its touch in summer. He thought of all that, and his hindquarters bunched.

Aang surged forward, hooves thundering against the dirt of the street. People scattered out of his way, and he yanked at the air all around, threw it at the young man to push him away from the girl.

He could have just hit him, but getting struck by a centaur at full-charge could break ribs. Both of their's, really.

The young man cried out in rage, and the girl cried out in shock but she grabbed at Aang's hand when he offered it, and he heaved her up on his back. The sudden weight slowed him, and the young man sent a blast of fire at him.

Aang cut it on the teeth of a winter-wind, then took off, the wind in his mind and the girl's arms around his chest and her legs around his body.


Re: For suzukiblu: Centaur Aang suzukiblu January 4 2010, 10:16:53 UTC
Ooo, I dig the way Aang talks about airbending here. <3 It's interesting, and I haven't seen anyone do it like that before. Fandom needs moar bendingfic.

And somewhere Zuko is really pissed off and fails at courting AGAIN. <<


. . . and the last line can stop being sexy anytime now. >///>


Re: For suzukiblu: Centaur Aang beckyh2112 January 4 2010, 22:41:34 UTC
Fandom really does need more bendingfic. I am too much in love with magic to not get into the details of what it feels like.

Zuko is Failko. FAILIEST OF KOS.



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