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For suzukiblu: Sharkmer Katara beckyh2112 January 4 2010, 03:38:46 UTC
Aang perched on a tree-branch over the pond, swinging his legs as he watched Katara swim. Her long grey tail cut through the water, propelling her forward with a speed a normal human could never achieve. 'Course, since she wasn't a normal human, that totally made sense.

She was a mermaid. A type of mermaid, because there were a couple of different types out there. Aang had never encountered any besides her, but Monk Gyatso had made sure he knew about them. Especially that they were all man-eaters.

Which kind of explained the shark's teeth to go with Katara's shark's tail.

Her particular kind of mermaid was weird. Most mermaids were mermaids all the time, but the shark ones were sometimes fully people. Nice, normal happy people. Until they got wet, and then they were man-eating monsters.

Cool man-eating monsters with long pretty backs and long pretty hair.

Katara twisted suddenly, jumping up, and Aang yanked his legs up. Her hands clapped together in the air, and her hair clung wetly to her chest as she stared up at him.

He flushed and focused on her black eyes. She smiled at him, revealing a flash of white, white teeth.

"Come and swim," she said, her voice unchanged by the transformation-mermaid. "The water's fine and full of fish."

He's really, really tempted. Especially as water droplets run down Katara's stomach and- He's really tempted.

Katara was still smiling up at him, lips slowly peeling back from white-sharp teeth.

"I like it up here," Aang said brightly. "Maybe when you're done, we can hunt for blackberries? I'm getting hungry."

"So am I," Katara muttered and slipped all the way underwater.


Re: For suzukiblu: Sharkmer Katara suzukiblu January 4 2010, 10:11:36 UTC
. . . . . Aang you are totally thinking about riding her do not even pretend otherwise. "Long pretty backs" HMMMMMM? And I love how Katara repeatedly tries to DEVOUR HIM and he just takes it in stride. *cackles*

Oh god of all the things to happen to a waterbender when she gets wet. XDDD;;

This would've made the fight against Pakku glorious. >>


Re: For suzukiblu: Sharkmer Katara beckyh2112 January 4 2010, 22:40:14 UTC
This is Aang. He wants to ride everything, man. Especially the girls who want to EAT HIM.

It really must have been a terribly WTF moment. *grins*


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