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Avatar: Hakoda/Ozai beckyh2112 December 9 2009, 01:01:24 UTC
Hakoda has long since stopped asking how this could even happen, because Ozai's only answers are his fists. Once it was a swift-scooped toss of flaming embers. The pain from that and the slow burn of Ozai's taunts had almost led to him killing the former Firelord.

Mother had held him back. "You'll kill your child, and he'll never let you forget it."

Ozai is vicious. But the child grows, and there is no man in the Water Tribe who does not regard the former Lord with a sense of creeping horror. The child grows, and Ozai doesn't care. He walks proud and tall, head held high, only minorly inconvenienced by this strangeness.

That's a lie. Ozai cares very much, and he is always provoking, lashing out with his tongue against anyone and everyone. Hakoda has practically had to seclude him to keep him from being lynched.

They are alone for once, Ozai luxuriating in the heat of the fire and Hakoda trying not to view him as a man. It's easier to let his eyes slide slightly out-of-focus, to only pay attention to long hair and the round curve of stomach.

Hakoda rests his hands there and feels the child kick.

"This one is going to be strong," Ozai comments idly, toying with a coal and getting his hands smudged with black. "Zuko was very quiet."

"Surprised you cared enough about your wife's pregnancy to notice that."

Ozai snorts and tosses the coal back into the fire. "Why wouldn't I care? Zuko was my heir and the Fourth Prince of the Fire Nation."

"Hnh." Another soft kick. "You could have killed this one months ago. Why didn't you?"

A slow smile graces Ozai's mouth. "Because, Chief Hakoda, I will treasure the expression on your face when your child firebends."

"You don't know-" Hakoda protests. The idea hurts viscerally, and it's all he can do to force the idea down. No, the child won't 'bend at all, not between his own blood and Ozai's spiritual lack.

The former Lord reaches into the fire and plucks out a glowing red coal. His hand is pale and unmarked by any burn.

"I don't?" Ozai asks.


Re: Avatar: Hakoda/Ozai weirdlet December 9 2009, 01:05:18 UTC
Oooooh. Very fitting- Ozai all stiletto-tongued and sensuous, Hakoda pulling back from being provoked into things he'll regret.


Re: Avatar: Hakoda/Ozai weirdlet December 9 2009, 07:50:23 UTC
I would like to add- this is one of the ways I love well-writ mpreg, like I hate my coffee- hot, dark and bitter.


Re: Avatar: Hakoda/Ozai spyridona December 9 2009, 01:32:13 UTC
Because, Chief Hakoda, I will treasure the expression on your face when your child firebends.

You know, with a line like that, I have to be glad that Ozai might be going through a fair amount of pain.

I'm also very pleased that Ozai is considered a 'horror' to the men of the SWT. For many reasons, one supposes. But the combination of the symbolism of the destruction of their tribe and an 'unnatural' pregnancy really can make a SWT man shiver.


Re: Avatar: Hakoda/Ozai lunatron December 9 2009, 02:23:11 UTC
Oh gosh, I love the implication that the child is firebending from the womb and that is why Ozai isn't burned.


Re: Avatar: Hakoda/Ozai beckyh2112 December 10 2009, 02:07:59 UTC
*totally glees that someone noticed*


Re: Avatar: Hakoda/Ozai littleseastar December 10 2009, 02:11:10 UTC
Gah. GAH.
The pride and the anger and the viciousness and that bit at the end... WOW.


(The comment has been removed)

Re: Avatar: Hakoda/Ozai beckyh2112 December 10 2009, 14:30:45 UTC
... Is that a good thing or a bad thing?


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