[Original] Belt Knives

Oct 31, 2009 14:48

Title: Belt Knives
Word Count: 100+
Story_Lotto Prompt: ice cream
Rating: G


They are just boys, when it comes down to it. Never mind that one is the youngest prince and one is the youngest son of the highest duke in the kingdom. They are boys, and they are friends, and they get into mischief.

Today, they are in the cold room, eating pistachio ice cream off their belt knives. They had a tricky time sneaking down here unnoticed, and neither wants to sneak back out and in again just for spoons.

The prince could reshape their knives, but the duke's son doesn't quite believe his friend could put them back. Besides, eating off of knives is more fun.


writing, original fiction, table: story_lottery

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