Mini-Meme: Ozai Edition!

Aug 14, 2009 03:08

Because I love writing Ozai way too much.

Any Ozai requests. Pick a pairing, an AU, a random crack-induced scenario, whatever, and I'll write it. One request per person, unless you're a) dark_puck, or b) one of my chatpost buddies, in which case you get three.

character: bato, character: katara, character: hitozi and ursa, character: hakoda, character: fire nation, character: ozai, character: zuko, character: ursa, writing, series: avatar, character: water tribe, character: lu ten, character: azula, character: long feng, character: iroh, au: evil zuko

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Comments 68

dark_puck August 14 2009, 08:13:34 UTC
1) Ozai/Song; scars and body-worship

2) It has been a year since the war ended; a year since Ozai had a portion of his soul ripped out.

3) Ozai/Ursa; how Zuko was conceived


Ozai: One Year Later beckyh2112 August 14 2009, 20:23:02 UTC
"I am wounded, wounded, and it will never heal," Ozai breathed, eyes staring past Tian, skin pale and clammy.

The young woman bit her lip and gently pulled his head in her lap, fingers working through the tangles in his hair. She needed a brush or a comb, something better than fingers. If someone would just come, she could ask-

But no one was going to come. Today was the first anniversary of War's End, and everyone was out celebrating. Even if it wasn't as loud and boisterous as other Fire celebrations, there was food and drink and merriment for allWho, in that, would care about the Firelord's fallen father ( ... )


Re: Ozai: One Year Later dark_puck August 14 2009, 20:40:10 UTC

Poor Ozai. Poor Tian. It's just so plain that Ozai is hurting and not really there, and that Tian is doing her best to help him work through it -- especially since nobody else will.

Ozai going so cold is a nice touch, given that he's lost his fire and possibly relived the moment Aang took away his bending, part of his soul. It also marks the difference between him and Tian, after a fashion -- him so cold and her so warm.

Extra wibbly is the calls for Ursa and Tian's lie that she's coming soon, and Ozai trying to start a fire but the bending just isn't there anymore.


Ozai/Ursa beckyh2112 August 15 2009, 18:53:50 UTC
A red fire blast reduces the last pirate's chest to smoldering ashes, and Ursa extinguishes the blue flames on her swords. Her pristine swords, because the heat of her fires has destroyed all the blood.

Her hands and arms are not so lucky, nor is her armor. That is all right, because the sticky-feel of drying blood and gore reminds her that she can kill and kill well.

Her heart is still pounding, and she feels strangely alive, ready to rush headlong into another fight. Or-

She sheathes her swords and turns to her husband. The sight of him takes her breath away.

- Fuck.

Ozai doesn't deign to wear armor, and his fine robes are cut and torn and burnt. Tendrils of hair have come loose, and his hands are bloody to the elbow. He absently pushes hair out of his eyes, smearing blood across his face. His eyes blaze molten gold against the false, bloody warpaint.

He is more beautiful than anything.

Ursa stalks towards him, her hips swinging, and Ozai's expression becomes sharper, more intense. Hungry.One bloody hand siezes him by the ( ... )


suzukiblu August 14 2009, 08:32:03 UTC
I <3 you. *grins*

That damn diamond-chains Ozai; culture shock. You know you wanna. <333

Ozai/Ursa, feral!verse; no one will ever change this animal I have become. Yes I DO mean the raised-by-sabretooth-moose-lions one, be grateful I did not ask for OzaiKITTY.

Ozai, Azula, Zuko, and lack-of-Ursa; see what you miss by being dead?


Diamond-Chains Ozai beckyh2112 August 14 2009, 19:13:09 UTC
AU, obviously, where Roku's smack-down on 'no conquering' actually took with Sozin, and the Fire Nation has been trying more subtle methods to acquire the Earth Kingdom. They find the NWT extremely useful in this regard."He's a gift," the Fire Nation envoy repeated. "From the Firelord himself as thanks to the aid the Northern Water Tribe has given us in the past and hopefully will continue to give us in the future ( ... )


Ozai/Ursa: Feral'verse beckyh2112 August 15 2009, 23:33:51 UTC
Some mornings, he does not remember he is human.

Ursa brings him back, Ursa always brings him back. But she cannot change that some mornings he is not Ozai, the wild one, but instead is the sabretooth moose-lion with hands and fire.

She cannot change that he learned language, his own language, because he is clever. That it is still an effort to translate some days.

His instincts are all wrong. They are the instincts of a solitary predator, and he always reads humans as cooperative herd creatures. Not quite predators, rarely prey.

Herds feel wrong, and he does not like crowds.

He likes Ursa, loves Ursa, fucks Ursa. So he lets her teach him to be human.

But some mornings he remembers he is a moose-lion.


Re: Ozai/Ursa: Feral'verse suzukiblu August 16 2009, 00:57:33 UTC
. . . *giggles.*

Okay, so this is Good and Fun and teeth-baringly "mmmmm" Urzai, but even though I requested it I just CANNOT help cracking up at "remembers he is a moose-lion". There is no hope for me.

*meanwhile, licks Ursa vs. Ozai's animal. licks it.* And crowd/herd! <333


spyridona August 14 2009, 10:53:09 UTC
Yay! <3

Hakozai, keeping it hidden. Because while traumatized Sokka is fun, traumatized Katara isn't.

Urzai, warrior.

Lu Ten and Ozai, teenhood. You know the drill, switch out the 'and' for '/' if you'd like. :D


Ozai/Lu Ten beckyh2112 August 14 2009, 19:28:41 UTC
Lu Ten is about five years younger than Ozai, so he's about fifteen-sixteen here. Not one of his shining moments.


Uncle Ozai has a lover, and it's not Lu Ten. Which is probably why three-quarters of the guards cower away from him, his mother isn't speaking to him, and the servants walk on glass around him.

Lu Ten is miserable of seeing Ozai with his guardsman, of their little not-very-secret touches, of the fierce delight in Ozai's face when he and Li Kazai spar together.

It's made him a snarling horror to be around, and he can't even tell anyone why he's behaving this way. Because Ozai is his uncle, and that means it doesn't matter that Ozai is his only equal or that Ozai is beautiful like a dragon in flight.

Lu Ten hates Kazai for having what he cannot. He'd love an excuse to challenge the older man to an Agni Kai, but he is never less than utterly respectful to Lu Ten ( ... )


Re: Ozai/Lu Ten spyridona August 14 2009, 21:15:42 UTC
*Purr, purr.*

Actually, I'm not shocked an angry and jealous 16 year old does this. My first thought? Zolena! How COULD you?


Re: Ozai/Lu Ten beckyh2112 August 16 2009, 01:41:31 UTC
Zolena likes Ozai, sure, but she loves Lu Ten and dealing with him as a teenager is hard enough without him being angry and jealous all the time. *ruffles Zolena who is not a nice lady anymore than Iroh is a nice man*


lunatron August 14 2009, 11:05:51 UTC
In which Ozai discovers he didn't really have his 'bending ripped out - he just had the wrong kind of 'bending put in.


Bonus: Ozai and Scourge Cause Crime beckyh2112 August 14 2009, 18:12:39 UTC
The black tanker-truck smashed through the armored barriers and slewed to the side. His tanker-trailer unfolded into a battlestation aimed at the soldiers defending the ring-device.

Ozai reached for the handle of the door. "Perhaps something a bit more subtle, Scourge."

The door obligingly opened. "Setting people on fire isn't subtle."

"Consider it less potentially damaging to the artifact then."

Ozai stepped down from the driver's side of the black truck, dressed in blood-red clothing of a foreign sort. He still wore the gold crown of Firelord in his hair, however, and he smiled to see the fear redouble on these men's faces.

Then Scourge transformed, and their opponents broke and ran.


Re: Bonus: Ozai and Scourge Cause Crime lunatron August 16 2009, 19:46:13 UTC
Thank you! If Ozai is in odd clothes, I am guessing they are not in the Avatar universe? I sort of wonder if the ring-device is a G1 Spacebridge. Or a Stargate!

On the other hand, I could read it as them being afraid to see the Firelord crown in Ozai's hair, so maybe they are in the Avatar universe.


Ozai With Different 'Bending beckyh2112 August 14 2009, 18:45:47 UTC
He was cold, so cold. Everyone remarked on it, as if he didn't know it were more than merely inside his own mind.

As if he hadn't realized months ago that while he no longer felt fires, he did feel something else.

It had been going on for weeks before he really noticed it. He hadn't been himself for some time, his spirit retreating deep inside himself after the Avatar's mauling. After losing the entire world, everything he had ever won for himself.

Ozai's lips peeled back in a snarl. Weeks, weeks to realize that what he was sensing was not fire but something else. Weeks to realize he even sensed anything at all.

But there was something in people, in cups of tea, in the rain that danced in the places of his mind that had once listened to hearth-fires, signal-fires, and the flow of lava below the capital.

He refused to give it power by naming it. Not after his miserable failures to manipulate the element.

Ozai had been a firebending master. A grandmaster, likely, if that rank had not been abolished long ago. He burned in the core ( ... )


stillthere4me August 14 2009, 17:31:01 UTC
Cool meme! :D

(XD I don't know what you mean specifically by "chat buddies", so I'm going to assume that's not me since I don't know)

Hmm... Ozai noticing Zuko likes boys more than a straight fire nation prince should (whether suspicions are well founded or his own misconceptions or Ozai is told this by Azula whom he trusts more or any combination of the three), and is not happy with this and confronts Zuko.

Can be either little Zuko at a time he's not around his mother (though Ursa's still alive), that intermin between his mother leaving and Zuko getting burned, or when he's back at the beginning of season three.


beckyh2112 August 14 2009, 17:46:27 UTC
I'm sorry, I don't think I can write Ozai as being unhappy with Zuko being gay. It's just completely contra to the way I write Fire Nation culture in general (where it's sex-acts that are problematic rather than the gender of partners) and Ozai in particular (who doesn't give a flip about what is and is not appropriate sexually for a prince and would probably be supportive of Zuko not having children).

*awards an extra request-slot since I did say 'anything goes' previously*


stillthere4me August 14 2009, 18:02:53 UTC
Ah, no problem! I completely understand. Sorry for the bad prompt then. XD

Thank you for the extra slot! Hopefully these will go better:

--Ozai talking with Zuko after he comes back from those three years of banishment (since Zuko mentioned they were talking). His thoughts on how Zuko has changed while away.

--Ozai's thoughts on his children while they are still young. Ursa has either just left and he's been named firelord or Ursa is still around. He can either be thinking to himself to telling this to someone else (like Ursa if you want or someone else).

(XD Sorry, I just find Ozai's interactions with his children very intruiging)


Ozai and His Young Children beckyh2112 August 14 2009, 22:12:04 UTC
It's not until after the crown rested in his hair that Ozai had any time to think. The eruption of activity had finally subsided, and the new Firelord sat on his throne and wondered ( ... )


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