Aug 02, 2009 00:09

To celebrate winning my ship week, I'm doing a meme.

Post one or more sentences from each of your WIP's because if you do you might be magically inspired to finish them.

Leaving out the two fics with completed drafts that I just don't feel like editing yet (Sunstreaker/Tracks, and Jeong Jeong-training-Zhao).


1. 49. Mechanism

Maze takes the new gauntlets down to the range to test them out - forearm-mounted blaster on the right, General Zey's lightsaber mounted on the left.

2. 12. Temptation

While the milk simmers, Zhao reverently unwraps the dwindling store of processed cacao he had brought back from the Earth Kingdom; if the hot chocolate of Guoyin will not convince Katara to sing, nothing will.

3. 06. Relax

"We'll have to see what specifically I'm arrested for before deciding on the details, Hyo, but the standard contingency plans should apply."

4. He hadn't smiled during those years, Kyle was pretty sure. There hadn't been enough of him in there to smile.

5. They both stank with smoke and the ozone of blaster-fire, but Blitzwing could barely keep his hands off Catechism's wings and cockpit. She cut his mouth with kisses, her cone knocking against his helm as they stumbled towards his door.

6. Neville rocked back on his heels and considered the question. Preparing the mandrake bed couldn't in and of itself be bad. After all, it was just checking the temperature and pH of the soil, layering in the compost to revitalize the soil and provide nutrients for the mandrakes, and setting up the gallows pole.

7. The Dai Li knew exactly how long a firebender could go without sunlight before sinking into a decline they never recovered from. They knew exactly how little sunlight needed to be provided to keep a firebender indefinitely healthy but weak.

8. "Princess Azula of the Fire Nation has assumed control of the Dai Li," Long Feng said smoothly. "She will need capable assistance, and the Dai Li will need a capable commander."

9. When he was nine, Ozai met his brother for the first time.

10. He paused when he saw her, then performed a shallow bow. If he hadn't made an equally shallow bow when he first met her, she might excuse it as a matter of the spices he carried. "Princess- Ursa."

Her eyebrows went up. Was that pause deliberate, or did he really need a moment to remember her name? "Leftenant Ozai. I see you are enjoying your stay at home."

11. A charge lanced through him, another crack-boom of thunder, and Silverbolt mewled in protest at how little the hand on his wing was touching him. He buffetted against Motormaster, trying to get the truck to wake up, to *pay attention*, to _touch_ him.

12. "You were working on your calligraphy. Calligraphy is a worthy hobby, and a preferable one to the usual soldierly pastimes." The captain raised a hand to forestall any further word from Piandao. "Raising a boy is not a hobby. Get rid of him at the next port. Is that understood, soldier?"

13. "Dad tried to find me a teacher," Katara said, "For my earthbending. But there's no one for provinces around who can, and looking attracted the Air Nomads' attention."

14. How, unfortunately, had to get in arm's reach of Lanh to accept the tea-tray he'd been carrying for Mi-Cha. After raising a small table to set the tea-tray on, the general checked his pouches. He was mildly irritated to find his seals had wound up in different pouch.

15. Daddy went to sea before I was born. I'm told he looked even moreso than me and Mama do, which was saying something. Me and Mama were the only ones in the family still around who like quite as much as we do.

16. Mai's clothes were entirely inappropriate for the South Pole, so Bato wrapped her in his parka and went without. Hakoda seemed amused, but Hakoda seemed amused by everything that didn't make him angry or unhappy.

writing, meme

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