Chat Excerpt Post

Jul 25, 2009 19:55

Because they amuse my Pux.

[Ra] entered the room.
[Tai]: Heya.
[Me]: I am just not following the connection between "giant robots" and "strawberries and peanut butter".
[Luna]: Me either.
[Tai]: Nor I.
[Luna]: I could understand the peanut butter.
[Luna]: But not the strawberry.
[Tai]: But, well, yummy. I'm easily distracted by yummy sometimes.
[Ra]: Well I stumbled into an interesting discussion.

[Me]: Motormaster: "... I thought we were over brutal displays of machismo."
[Luna]: Scourge: "I really just hate having room-mates and wish people would go away."

[Me]: I was a bit put-out by him working for someone else, though.
[Me]: That's so not Megatron's way of doing things.
[Ryuu]: Yeah. Because Meggy's ego is already more partner than he needs.

[DE]: I also wrote bad epic poetry about Lovecraftian lizard people that lived under Irem. So my first fanfic was really REH/HPL.

[Charles]: that's why you're the dread Imperiatrix
[Charles]: well, that and the Puck-born whip and the Decepticorset and the orbiting Death Fortress and the trail of the dead
[Me]: Little things like that.

[Tai]: Hobby Lobby is putting out Christmas decorations in some of their stores.
[Tai]: They started today.
[Scott]: Well come on, it's July.
[Wingus]: Running a little behind, aren't they?
[Scott]: What, you think they're gonna waste the second half of the year as much as they did the first half?

[Pux]: Hyo: "Care to explain?"
[Me]: Liu: *shakes his head*
[Pux]: Hyo: "Do so regardless."

[Wingus]: Cannonball snarked about the personality ADD that the Mega/Galvatron of his universe has.
[Wingus]: "A little more colors...I AM GALVATRON!"
[Wingus]: " body, new colors, but slightly weaker. Eh. I'm Megatron again."


Blueshift says, "Who is beccawing :("

For A Good Time Call Ramjet says, "Just because it is Tuesday and I feel mysterious"

For A Good Time Call Ramjet says, "She used to play Reflector. She is cool. I like her."

Curiosity Killed The Sweep, Sunder says, "how long ago?"

For A Good Time Call Ramjet says, "Like last year"

Curiosity Killed The Sweep, Sunder says, "where'd she go?"

Where's Waldo? Redshift will scour the log for clues!

For A Good Time Call Ramjet says, "Like all good things go"

For A Good Time Call Ramjet says, "Into the universe, as a cloud of stardust and intrigue"

Curiosity Killed The Sweep, Sunder says, "(why?)"

For A Good Time Call Ramjet says, "Some say she loved too deeply"

Curiosity Killed The Sweep, Sunder says, "loved what?"

For A Good Time Call Ramjet says, "And others say her spirit was too full of adventure"

For A Good Time Call Ramjet says, "And some say that I am full of crap and do not know what I am talking about"

For A Good Time Call Ramjet says, "(they would be correct)"


[Me]: Yeah, Mai? Mai has the unfortunate problem that she's Zuko's canon girlfriend.
[Kep]: Oh, right, which as we all know really means "that bitch/slut/whore"

[Cyn]: The exit will not move when you are not looking, Fleetwind. Starscream doesn't pay Hook that much.
[Cyn]: *cackles*
[Cyn]: That would be AWESOME though, if it did
[Luna]: Yeah, it would. >_>
[Me]: It would! People need to get Hook a lot of money. Or a girl. Or Long Haul.
[Luna]: Or girl Long Haul with a truck bed full of money.
[Me]: Yes!

[Tai]: "One man! Alone! Betrayed by his country-" "You aren't alone, you're my head."

[Luna]: A few games are set up, and it would seem someone even managed to get a video game system coded and running (though the 'Cons by far have the edge in this piece of entertainment technology). Luckily, no one on board is known to commit suicide over such games.
[Liona]: *snrfle*
[Luna]: I wonder if Emirate Xaaorn needs to take Optimus Prime and tell him not to commit suicide over the video games...
[Xiaron]: rofl
[Liona]: ... That would be an hilarious conversation.
[Luna]: I will have to grab Scott and ask him if he's up for some lolwhut.
[Tai]: "I know it may seem serious at the time, but - and I need you to trust me on this one - it isn't worth it."

[Me]: Why is it when I say "I have a headache, please keep it quiet" this invites people to come over and try to converse with me?
[Luna]: You look like Nightbeat, Becca. That is why.
[Scott]: It's the trenchcoat you're wearing.
[Scott]: And the fact you turn into a blue car with flames.

[Luna]: ...Blitzwing would be the BEST and WORST Best Man at the same time.
[Wingus]: "Friends, are all gathered here today to honor the love of Lugnut und Strika, and *WHIRLY* --TO DANCE!"

[Me]: Pee-Dee: "Kinky."
[Wingus]: Dai-Janku: "...I'll be in my berth."
[Tai]: Bedlam: "That's my line, punk."
[Wingus]: Dai-Janku: "I didn't see your name on it."
[Tai]: Bedlam: "You mean you can see anything under that clunky chunk of jewellery on your forehead?"
[Wingus]: "It is a crest and it is a very manly addition to one's chassis!"
[Cyn]: Mirage: "Says the mech who shoots fluid out of his chest."
[Tai]: Bedlam: "*snort* You got 'manly' mixed up with 'pansy' there, fruitcake."
[Tai]: Bedlam: "...he what."
[Cyn]: Mirage: "Ask Perceptor"
[Tai]: Bedlam: "Pass."
[Ravyn]: Perceptor: Thank you.
[Wingus]: Dai-Janku: "It is not fluid! It's a discharge of an abundance of heat energy!"
[Cyn]: Mirage: "....And that makes it better?"
[Tai]: Bedlam: "And you're still squirtin' stuff outta your tits."
[Ravyn]: Perceptor: It is searing hot plasma. Ejected from your... nipples.
[Tai]: Mirage: "How exactly?"
[Wingus]: Dai-Janku: "They are vents."
[Wingus]: Dai-Janku: "I bet Wreck-Gar-sama never had to put up with this...."
[Ravyn]: Perceptor: Ah. Yes. Ever so much better to adopt the nomenclature of an avaian's sexual portal. My mistake.
[Wingus]: Dai-Janku: *Fishes out a remote control, clicks a button several times at Perceptor* "....damned subtitle function is broken."
[Tai]: Bedlam: "...Okay, I dunno half o' what you just said. *wanders off, possibly to go hurt someone*"

[Me]: Jet: *is happy with his son and his wife and never seeing the Fire Nation again for the rest of his life*
Fate: *AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA NO* *dump Zuko and Zuko-spawn in Jet's area of the world*
[Pux]: *dies*
[Me]: Jet: ".... Hi. Lee."
Zuko: "Actually, my name is-"
Jet: "Lee."
Zuko: "... Apparently it is Lee."

[Ryuu]: Of course, I also kinda wish my car was an Autobot, so...
[Me]: That would make the morning commute fun. ^_^
[Ryuu]: Not gonna lie, it'd be pretty cool.
[Ryuu]: Especially if my car was Optimus or something.
[Ryuu]: Or, oooo...Elita 1!
[Me]: Oooh! Pretty and deadly in pink!
[Ryuu]: Yeah!
[Ryuu]: Mind you, my car sneaking off to make googily eyes at Optimus would get a little irritating.

[Liona]: Also, their garden gnome keeps switching location and pose while I'm not watchin.
[Tai]: Those things are just waiting for the right moment to launch a full-scale siege on the house. Mow 'em all down while they're still an ill-organised rabble.
[Liona]: XD
[Tai]: Yes, I've been running around in the Village Greens zone on zOMG again. Fucking lawn gnomes.
[Wingus] entered the room.
[Liona]: ...Augh! The lawn gnome is inside the house!
[Ravyn]: Tai warned you
[Ravyn]: you're gonna have little lawn gnome babies running around soon

[Me]: -- Random mood-change.
[Scott]: Oh god Ty Lee.
[Scott]: I think around 93% of the fanfics out there should end with one person shoved towards another.

[Jess]: The current plot is named, 'Refresh Everything.' I had no idea that's actually Pepsi's current slogan. It's... kind of an omnious slogan, really.
[Ra]: Hehe.
[Scott]: I hear "Purge the old ways for the new order" didn't do well in focus groups.

[Me]: Kinkmemes continue to traumatize me.
[Xiaron]: ?
[Tai]: Eh?
[Me]: Zuko/Ozai

Rape if possible. =^^= please and thank you.
[Tai]: *blink*
[Ravyn]: .................
[Xiaron]: not asking
[Scott]: Right, where did I put my corrective shovel again.

[Scott]: "Dear Adminimus, please give me Beast Wars Megatron. I promise to use him to completely break Lugnut's brain. Hugs, Scott."
[Me]: *giggles at Scott* I'm sold. ;-)
[Ravyn]: lol
[Scott]: I was almost going to submit a similar app to 2k5 at one point.
[Scott]: "Dear Charstaff, please give me Outback. I promise to roleplay him as if he was the Crocodile Hunter. Love, Scott."
[Ravyn]: lol
[Me]: *sold on that, too* >_>
[Scott]: "Now lookit the soize of this Gestalt! This one's a six-bot combinah! Yeh c'n tell by all the green 'n' purple on it!"

[Me]: Ooooh! Summary fishing time!
[Me]: Zuko and Aang switch places. What would happen if Zuko was the last Airbender and Aang was the outcast, Fire Nation Prince? AU.
[Pux]: .....
[Pux]: Avatar Zuko: *emos everywhere*
Prince Aang: *flirts with Katara nonstop*

[Pux]: *kind of loves Playing With Jade, because it's got Long Feng being creepy in a weirdly nonsexual way and then Song seducing him by undoing his jacket with her teeth and they both know that after sex he's going to arrest her and then she knocks him unconscious first and steals his clothes and YES*
[Kat]: And then Long Feng wakes up with hearts in his eyes and everyone within twenty miles has a sudden inexplicable urge to hide somewhere.

[Kep]: Ozai: "Who are these people who write me with him? I will burn their homes, destroy their lands and hear the lamentations of their women!"
Most of them are women.
"The lamentations of their men then!"
Some of them are gay -- so, you can still hear the lamentations of their women.
" could have said earlier! Pendantic bint..."

[Luna]: Hook, stop knocking up Red Alert.
[Me]: Hook: "But. But. Lamborghini."
[Luna]: Go knock up, uhm, tanks. Wait, already did that. Seekers? Did that. Uhm... BOATS. Yes. Go sire some boats.
[Me]: Hook: "I'll consider it."
[Luna]: *Considers Tidal Wave's accent colours.* already did, didn't you?
[Me]: Hook: "-Maybe."
[Luna]: *Facepalms.*


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