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Suki/Zuko beckyh2112 July 2 2009, 20:42:53 UTC
One of the fundamental differences between Sokka and Zuko is Sokka gets up in the morning and goes "Aaaaaarghellllfuckit," and Zuko gets up in the morning and goes "Arise, my lady of the fan! Today we conquer!".

Except Suki has never actually heard either of them say that. It's the gist, however.

"You don't have to get up," Zuko says softly.

"Yes, I do." Sleeping in was what she did with Sokka. Enjoying the warmth of his arms, the warmth of their bed. Watching the sun rise through the window until it was overhead. Lazy and indulgent, until she realized how long into the night those blue eyes let Sokka work.

With Zuko, she rises at the dawn and settles with the sun. Not to sleep, usually, but there is little work done after the fireflies come out and the lamps are lit.

Zuko is already up. With Sokka, Suki would have looked forward to her first attempt getting out of bed being thwarted by kisses up her arm and across her breasts.

It's not fair of her to continue comparing Zuko to Sokka. At least she'll be able to go home to her husband when this is over.

Zuko will never get to hold Mai in his arms again.

Three years ago, Lady Mai and her unborn child were given to the flames as befit Fire Nation nobility. Zuko changed his reds for white.

But the Fire Nation needs an heir, and Suki has brought three children into the world alive already. She's willing to do this, and the daimyos have to accept her because she is one of the Avatar's companions.

"Zuko," she calls softly, fingers twining through the fine sheets of the Firelord's bed. "Come back to bed."

"I have work to do. Osamu and Torao are collaborating again, you have no idea how much of a danger it is when those two work together rather than against each other-"

Suki keeps her fans in easy reach, and she unfolds one with a flick of her wrist, giving herself a hint of modesty as she sits up. "Zuko," she says again, and he turns to look at her.

His eyes widen and there's a sharp intake of breath.

She smiles and tilts her fan forward, exposing more of her skin to the sun rising through the windows.

Zuko comes back to bed.


Re: Suki/Zuko moonys_autumn August 27 2010, 01:59:58 UTC
Awwww. ::hugs everyone involved::


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