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*purr purr purr purr purr* kyra_neko_rei July 1 2009, 21:36:06 UTC
1) Silverbolt/Motormaster, that AU you were talking about on childofatlantis's journal with Silverbolt being a lust-vampire and Moto determinedly and repeatedly almost dying from it.

2) Silverbolt/Motormaster, something non-angsty with them being (or becoming) fairly comfortable together. Preferably involving a situation that throws them both for a bit of a loop. *can see Silverbolt relaxing a bit with the revelation that Moto's as fallible/imperfect/vulnerable to confusion and the like as he is*

3) Starscream/Thundercracker/Skywarp just . . . being themselves. Bonus points for intimacy.


Re: *purr purr purr purr purr* beckyh2112 July 1 2009, 21:38:18 UTC
Transformers: Animated or the rpg Transformers: Deadzone only, please.


kyra_neko_rei July 1 2009, 21:39:43 UTC
Bwuh? *re-looks* Ah. Missed that.

*goes off to figure out what Deadzone is*


Trying this again . . . kyra_neko_rei July 1 2009, 21:49:09 UTC
So . . . TFA Motormaster and Movieverse Megatron, being both on the list EDIT: I am a fucking moron who cannot read, so wait on this one a moment while I see whether any Megatron actually IS present of characters in play, could be paired with each other?

I have no idea where I'm starting from with this, so . . . whatever works with those two characters. If you can get them intimate with each other, please do; if that's ridiculously out of character, then whatever does work. No angst.

And, same criteria as above, same 'verse, Movieverse Megatron/G1 Starscream. Ditto this

And, TFAnimated, Megatron/Starscream. Smut good, angst bad. Snark good, sexual tension better.


Ani: Megatron/Starscream beckyh2112 July 11 2009, 04:38:05 UTC
So. You may want to kill me for this.


"I suppose you think this means you've won," said Starscream, his head resting on a shelf.

"Think?" Megatron rumbled, tone faintly curious. His optics were dimmed almost to darkness as the Decepticon leader lounged on his throne. "No, I do not think this means I've won at all." A pause as his mouth curled in a smirk. "I know it."

"Yet for all of your posturing, glorious Megatron, it was a human who produced your space-bridge. A HUMAN! IN A CAVE! WITH A BOX OF SCRAPS!"

"Do you ever shut up?" Megatron's optics brightened slowly.



"And why should I listen to you? I'm a head on a shelf! There isn't anything more you can do to meMegatron slid his fingertips along his cannon. "I could deny you the body Shockwave has been so nicely building in his lab ( ... )


Re: Ani: Megatron/Starscream kyra_neko_rei July 11 2009, 15:41:32 UTC
. . . WOW.

That is so very --- THEM! And hilarious!

Is Megatron implying what I think he is with the hand to the hip?

Ahhh, awesome, this is too perfect.


Re: Ani: Megatron/Starscream beckyh2112 July 11 2009, 17:47:43 UTC
*grins* I'm glad you enjoyed it! And if you think he was implying fellatio, you are entirely correct. ^_^


Re: Ani: Megatron/Starscream kyra_neko_rei October 1 2009, 01:02:54 UTC
Have I mentioned that I love this?


Re: Ani: Megatron/Starscream beckyh2112 October 1 2009, 01:05:38 UTC
Yes, actually. /amused


For the other two: kyra_neko_rei July 1 2009, 22:00:26 UTC
Deadzone, Starscream/Thundercracker, once again you know 'em better than I do, so whatever works, preference for smut if it's workable.

And . . . also Deadzone, can you do something with First Aid and Bumblebee? Talking, 'facing, medical procedures . . . whatever works.


DZ: Starscream/Thundercracker beckyh2112 July 13 2009, 00:13:47 UTC
This Starscream is not Thundercracker's Starscream.

They look the same from dark helm to silver wings to blue feet, they speak with the same distinctive voice, their histories are almost the same.


But almost isn't close enough, it turns out.

Almost means the one time he tries to run his fingers along the edge of Starscream's wing, he finds himself null-rayed and left to drop on the floor.

Almost means Starscream has no interest in anyone, except for their use in making him the greatest Decepticon leader in history.

Almost means Thundercracker is completely, painfully alone.


Re: DZ: Starscream/Thundercracker dragoness_e July 13 2009, 01:09:13 UTC
Aww! Poor TC!


Re: DZ: Starscream/Thundercracker kyra_neko_rei July 13 2009, 01:42:48 UTC

*pets Thundercracker*


DZ: First Aid and Bumblebee beckyh2112 July 13 2009, 23:59:55 UTC
"I'm not sure what to make of this," First Aid informed his patient as he worked his tools in the other mech's throat. "We replaced your vocoder just last week. It shouldn't look like this."

Bumblebee lay still as First Aid pulled out the damaged vocoder. It looked much like the one he'd pulled out the week before - crushed and corroded, partially fused by damage, heat, and time. It didn't look as purely ancient as the other vocoder had been, but it was clearly mimicking the damages.

//i know,// Bumblebee said over the radio, his 'voice' flat and emotionless.

To First Aid, it sounded even more alien than the Gillanese language he caught on broadcasts now and then. Transformers weren't supposed to sound that way at all.

"I can replace it," he offered to Bumblebee. "But I don't know what caused this. It's entirely possible it will happen again ( ... )


Re: DZ: First Aid and Bumblebee liona_skycat July 14 2009, 00:19:25 UTC
Aw, poor 'Bee! I wish to hug him. And give him a Sam.


Re: DZ: First Aid and Bumblebee kyra_neko_rei October 1 2009, 01:01:07 UTC
Hmmmm, interesting. Poor Bee always gets the short end of the vocalizer stick, it seems.


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