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Avatar: Mao/Katara (1/2) beckyh2112 September 24 2009, 05:26:20 UTC
Katara found she was less frightened of Azula than she was of this boy made of light and shadows.

Azula and Ty Lee were understandable in their own ways, Ty Lee easily, Azula much less so. But, if given some time to think about, Katara could understand what Azula wanted and why she was so cruel to Zura.

Mao wasn't like any boy Katara had ever met. Maybe he was a little like Haru, in that both could be quiet and intense, but there the similarity ended utterly. Haru had risked everything for his father by throwing that first stone. Mao was cold and uncaring as sea-ice.

Somehow, though, Katara always found herself facing the boy while Aang handled Azula and Sokka and Toph handled Ty Lee. Always, it was her waterbending against his knife skill.

She wasn't surprised when the plans the generals had given her fell to the ground from bleeding fingers. Just because they hadn't seen Azula and her friends since the Wall didn't mean the three of them had stopped trying to get into the city.

She was surprised that it was just Mao, and he looked faintly irritated. Given his usual lack of expression, Katara took that to mean he was just as annoyed to see her as she was to see him.

"How dare you," she hissed, hating the lie of the green robes he wore. She gestured, and water surged from a nearby stream, one of many decorating the Upper Ring.

Mao's irritation increased infinitesimally. "Going for tea at the Jasmine Dragon, Katara? How quaint. Shouldn't you be helping Aang fight the Fire Nation?"

"I think I can help him do that by fighting you." She smiled sweetly, and Mao's eyes narrowed.

"Bitch," he said, with no more heat than if he were commenting on the weather.

Katara didn't reply, surging forward with her water. For a moment, she was reminded of Jet as she flung ice-shards at the boy in green.

Mao did not parry with swords, however. He leapt and dodged, and let the ice tear at his robes or be cracked by a blow from his kukri or destroyed by a flung kunai. She followed him, relentless and always calling on the water.

Then he let himself be cut to send kunai streaming at her, and she had to slacken her barrage to defend herself. But he still ran, and she still chased.


Avatar: Mao/Katara (2/2) beckyh2112 September 24 2009, 05:26:36 UTC
Their fight was a fight of distances, but Ba Sing Se did not allow great distances inside the city.

He disappeared around a corner, and she followed as thoughtless as a snow-hare in pursuit of a nesting turtledove.

And, like a snow-hare, she found herself caught in someone's arms. Mao's arms, and his kukri's curved blade followed the curve of her throat. He pressed it slightly, and she felt the trickle of blood down her skin.

"Drop your water, Katara," he said quietly, his mouth grazing her ear.

It fell in a clatter of ice, and she cursed her own foolishness.

She cursed that he was warm like Zura was and Aang wasn't.

She did not curse the arms around her, or the likely accidental way his cheek rubbed against her hair. Her body wanted to relax against his warmth.

Then his finger flickered against her throat. "You're so cold," he murmured. "Like ice."

"It's winter back home," she said, aware of how nonsensical that sounded but more aware of the heat of his fingertips over her pulse.

"Do the Water Tribes worry about a girl's virtue?" He asked, equally nonsensical.

She shook her head, and then he twisted around her and kissed her. She responded, taking in the heat and her mind's eye shifted Mao from sea-ice to a banked fire. He'd come to life, so sudden and strangely, and he burned.

The kiss broke, and they breathed steam.


Re: Avatar: Mao/Katara (2/2) dark_puck September 24 2009, 22:17:36 UTC
*purrs and twines around*

I love this. So short, so sexy. <3 I love the bit about how Katara's always facing him, and how Mao is warm like Aang is not, and his trapping her in his arms with the knife to her throat and then bringing up virtue and asdfghjk;.



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