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Avatar: Jet/Song, Zuko/Song beckyh2112 August 25 2009, 03:24:04 UTC
"You're good with girls," Lee said, only he wasn't looking at Jet when he said it.

Jet chewed on his grass-stalk and followed the scarred boy's gaze to the young woman in the hanbok. Her braid was long, and her smile was sweet, and she glanced at them every now and then while he watched.

"Yeah," he finally said, giving the unknown young woman a rakish grin.

Her smile became a little more mischievous, then she turned her attention back to her tea and Old Man Mushi.

Lee swallowed. "I- kind of owe her. She's... special."

Jet could agree with special, given that she seemed to be honestly enjoying chatting with Lee's uncle.

"And," Lee plowed grimly onward, "I don't know what to say to her. To- apologize. For things."

Ah, so Lee had screwed up trying to get into her skirts last time he'd met. Explained a lot. He still had a chance, though, because she still kept looking at him.

But hey, Jet thought, Lee's a bright guy. And Old Man Mushi could flirt better than Jet could. Lee could definitely figure out how to make it up to her on his own.

Jet tilted his head slightly, grin spreading, as she glanced over at the two of them again. Her eyes met his, and she smiled.

"Maybe you could introduce us," Jet said, breaking eye-contact to look at Lee. "I could put in some good words with her for you."

Lee's cheeks colored faintly, but he nodded. His eyes still hadn't left her, and if Jet were trying to be helpful, he'd tell Lee that the yearning stare worked best in moderation, not when it looked like you wanted to devour the girl.

Jet grinned as she looked back their way again, but her eyes slid past him.

Well, hey, maybe she wanted to be devoured.


Re: Avatar: Jet/Song, Zuko/Song spyridona August 25 2009, 04:01:40 UTC
Well, hey, maybe she wanted to be devoured.

Love, love that line. And I love how cocky Jet is being, and I wonder what is cranking in his head. And how he takes being ignored for 'Lee' so well.


Re: Avatar: Jet/Song, Zuko/Song suzukiblu August 25 2009, 06:34:48 UTC
Last line FTW. *purrs*

Jet you manipulative bastard. <3 Zuko you COMPLETELY INCURABLE OPTIMIST. XDDD I really like seeing these two sort of being friends and sort of failing at it, it's greatly enjoyable. *purrs more, STROKES it* I am starting to get a serious thing for nonship Jet and Zuko, and you have just fed it even MORE.

And I really, reaaaaally like the way you wrote Zuko lusting after Song. It's very attractive.


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