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Avatar: Ozai/Jet beckyh2112 August 10 2009, 18:04:15 UTC
Zuko catches sight of Azula sneaking into the spy-niche on the throne room. He can't think of anything Father would be doing of interest, but that's always when the worst happens.

He gives her five minutes to get settled before sneaking in with her.

When he finds her, she is staring bright-eyed into the throne room itself, one hand holding back the hangings. The other rests on her hip, and there is something dirty about such an innocuous-seeming touch. Maybe it's the intensity of her expression, the slight parting of her red lips and the way her eyes devour what she is looking at.

"Isn't he magnificent?" She breathes, voice husky.

Zuko peeks over her arm and feels his breath vanish from his lungs.

Father's robe is open and lying around him in a bed of blood-colored silk. His head is thrown back, hair in disarray, skin golden in the roaring firelight.

Jet rides him, one foot braced against the throne near Father's head, the other leg dangling over an arm. His back is sheened with sweat, and he claws and caresses Father with equal abandon. Every undulation of his spine, every time Father's hands at his waist bring him up and back down, feels like a tug on Zuko's cock.

Jet is magnificent.

The fires in the throne room flare towards the ceiling, and Jet bites out an oath then reaches out to drag Father into a kiss.

Jet, who hated him for maybe (definitely) being a firebender, kisses Father, who is firebender and Firelord and everything Jet hates to the bottom of his soul.

"What did you do?" Zuko demands, unable to tear his eyes away to look at Azula when he asks.

"Me? All I did was feed the wild boy dinner," Azula purrs. "Oysters on the half-shell, honeyed turtleduck breast, firewine, and chilled asparagus soup. You know." Her voice hitches as Father pulled Jet to him. "A lover's meal," she finishes, and Zuko almost wants to look at her because her voice sounds so strange then.

Father's hand slides up Jet's back, and the movement and the contrast of skin makes Zuko crave Mai. Crave Jet and Mai and- and-

Jet and Mai.

"He shouldn't be doing this," Zuko says, but his heart isn't in it. Father shouldn't do this with Jet all stirred to passion by Azula's mischief. He shouldn't.

Over the crackle of the fire, he hears Jet's moans. He sees the way the Earth boy tips back his head, exposing the line of his throat. He sees Father press his mouth there, over the pulse, and the way Jet's movements seem to become even more boneless.

"Magnificent," Azula breathes.


Re: Avatar: Ozai/Jet calicojane August 11 2009, 02:18:26 UTC

*...can you do it again and toss him in bed with Zuko and Mai?* >>



Re: Avatar: Ozai/Jet spyridona August 11 2009, 02:24:15 UTC
*purrs and agrees.*
Why is it that Mai matches so well with all of Zuko's crackpairings?


Re: Avatar: Ozai/Jet beckyh2112 August 11 2009, 16:08:17 UTC
Because Mai is just that jaw-droppingly sexy.


Re: Avatar: Ozai/Jet beckyh2112 August 11 2009, 16:07:56 UTC
But Azula doesn't find Jet all that horribly attractive, even if he would go pretty with Zuko and Mai and fluster Zuko horribly. ;-)


Re: Avatar: Ozai/Jet calicojane August 11 2009, 19:21:16 UTC
*Well, isn't that reason enough?* ^_^



Re: Avatar: Ozai/Jet suzukiblu August 12 2009, 04:22:30 UTC
. . . yeah. Okay. Still got nothing.

asdfgk. Is that something? asdfghjkl;;;;kljhgfdsadfsghjk. Really, I'm just. Words. I am out of them.

Imagery wins so hard. Level of wrong wins so hard. Zuko wanting to go and sex up Mai and Jet at the same time wins even harder. And Zuko and Azula watching and perving over separate parties and not realizing they aren't perving on the same party? Uh, yeah, excuse me while I go . . . fan myself. Yes. That's what I'm going to go do.



Re: Avatar: Ozai/Jet beckyh2112 August 13 2009, 01:53:52 UTC
*purrs and preens*

And finally, someone notices (or comments on) who Azula is perving over.


Re: Avatar: Ozai/Jet spyridona August 13 2009, 01:58:14 UTC
Onesided Ozula, I hope?


Re: Avatar: Ozai/Jet beckyh2112 August 13 2009, 02:08:51 UTC

Ozai would be very disturbed to know his daughter is thinking of that.

(I am a bad, bad person. I really do want to do something/see someone else do something with Azula slipping Ozai some date-rape drugs and taking advantage of the fact she looks like Mommy.)


Re: Avatar: Ozai/Jet weirdlet August 13 2009, 05:57:32 UTC
That is a horrifying thought and Azula would totally do that if she thought she could get away with it- although I did see an entry on the Avatar kink meme about someone wanting to see her take advantage/be taken advantage of for her resemblance to Ozai.


Re: Avatar: Ozai/Jet beckyh2112 August 13 2009, 06:00:11 UTC
It's so dark and twisted, and I want it so bad.

Yeah, I've seen that one. I believe they had Ursa doing the molesting? Like, it was Crazula, and Ursa was supposed to dress her up as Ozai and molest her. And I just went "but if Azula is crazy, then Ozai is in jail and Ursa can go have consensual sex with him".


Re: Avatar: Ozai/Jet weirdlet August 13 2009, 07:43:28 UTC
Yeah- I think I prefer your version, although Azula really does remind me more of her father than her mother, and the reverse with Zuko. They've got a total look-like-opposite-gender-parent thing going on.


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