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Avatar: Jet/Song (1/2) beckyh2112 August 5 2009, 20:41:12 UTC
The boy fights with butcher hooks. He rips and tears through the bandits, leaving blood and scars and death. It's painful to watch - here there is one whose throat he catches on a hook, there is one whose face he slams with the curved blade guarding his hand, there is a blade he blocks with his own while his other blade dances across the bandit's throat. Blood fountains.

Song sets her basket of herbs down and waits with her hands free. It's getting dark, and she is less scared of this fight than of wandering into something she cannot quite see.

The boy has seen her, and so has a bandit she realizes. His expression tells her everything he thinks about her - that she is helpless, that she is foolish, that she might save him from the boy with the butcher hooks.

She is none of those things.


Jet doesn't understand. The plain Earth girl is standing there so stupidly, can't she see the bandit? She's going to get hurt, and these men aren't Fire Nation, but they've still got no right to hurt trusting innocents-

He whirls, and he knows he is too late, he won't get there, she'll be hurt-

She reaches out and taps the bandit in the sternum, and the man doubles over puking. She picks up her basket and steps past him, kind brown eyes meeting Jet's.

"Are you done?" she asks.

He stares at her, swords dripping gore, and thinks, Pretty, she's so pretty.

"Yeah," he says.

"Would you like dinner?" She looks him over, and he's suddenly self-conscious that he's wearing looted armor and raggedy clothes. "Mother got a good deal on buffalo wings at the market, but it's really too much for us to eat before it goes bad."

His stomach rumbles, and she smiles.

Pretty, he thinks again and he follows her home.


"My name is Song," she says.


She blinks at the name. Who would name their son after a stone? But, she thinks, perhaps it wasn't his parents who named him that.

"How did you do that?" He falls into step beside her, his swords put away and bloodless.

She smiles a secret sort of smile. Everyone always asked her how she did her work sooner or later. Except Lee. Lee had never asked her anything.

Not even if she might give an ostrich-horse to a traveler with a long way to go.

"The human body is delicate," she says, basket swinging from her arm. "If I had put a hot stone over or a needle through that vital point, I would have adjusted the flow of Qi so he wouldn't have stomach pains. But I attacked it instead and shocked his Qi with a disruption."

He studies her with dark eyes, then gives her a smile. "You're a doctor."

"Mm." It's pleasing to not hear 'apprentice' at the end. She is young, yes, but she is not a child or a student. No more than this boy is less of a warrior for being young, or Lee less of a-

She strangles off that thought and focuses on Jet's brown eyes. Dark brown eyes, looking at her with a certain intensity-

She glances ahead quickly, even as his smile turns into a rakish grin.

Dark brown eyes, she thinks, not tricky golden ones. Except she suspects Lee is much more straight-forward than Jet will ever be. But Fire is Fire, and Earth is Earth. Fire has no secrets, only light and heat. Earth hides and conceals; didn't the oldest women in her village still sometimes call earthbenders 'keepers of secrets under the mountain'?

Jet's shoulder casually brushes against hers, and she glances sidelong at him. His smile is inviting, open, confident rather than cocky. The cockiness is all in the grass-stalk he chews on.

He makes her warm when he looks at her like that.

"It's getting late. Mother's going to be worried about me," she says, not quite warning him off.

His smile sharpens. "Wouldn't want to miss dinner. Especially not with dessert after."

Song glances at him archly. "I don't know. You're not the sort I usually cook for."

His shoulder brushes against hers again. "Maybe I can change your mind about that."


Avatar: Jet/Song (2/2) beckyh2112 August 5 2009, 20:42:31 UTC

Jet's fingers don't feel like a brand when he touches her skin. His mouth doesn't feel like an oven when he kisses his way up her scars. His prick doesn't feel like fire when he rubs it against her leg.

He does feel like he's had girls before and learned their bodies, and that's all right with Song because she's learned men's bodies. Not quite in the same way he has, but she finds she's picked up enough to fake it.

They're in the shadows next to the porch, and Song is certain her mother knows what they're doing. Mother isn't a fool, and this is the second time she's let Song go after dinner instead of cleaning the dishes.

The first time, Lee had gone out on the porch.

Nothing came of that, but this time her skirt has been pushed up and her pantaloons pulled down, and if Jet's mouth isn't hot, it is warm and wet. She's biting her arm to keep from crying out, because even if Mother knows, she doesn't need to know.

The fingers of her other hand are tangled in Jet's hair, tugging and stroking, and oh, he needs to do that again-

He leaves her worn and tired by the time he is done with her. It has been a long day already, and this isn't a simple, easy thing. She isn't sure she can focus on returning the favor to him.

So she kisses his throat and takes him in hand. He is easy, he moves so easy, and she would love to do this to him some other evening. Any other evening unto the end of the world.

But she can't tonight. So while she strokes him, her other hand runs over his hips and stomach, pressing against various points in a certain order her mother taught her, until she strikes the very last one right above his water chakra.

Jet comes hard, arching like a drawn bow, a short, sharp cry wrenched from his throat. There's a mess on her hanbok now that she'll have to hide, and he collapses against her slowly. He is heavy and warm, and nuzzles at her breasts even as his eyes flicker shut with exhaustion.


Re: Avatar: Jet/Song (2/2) suzukiblu August 6 2009, 07:41:57 UTC

Thank yooooou. <3 I love that Song is so practical (and that her MOM is so practical). And that she just keeps bringing home battered boys. Self-conscious Jet. asdfghhhjk. How Song keeps thinking about Zuko and stopping herself and then thinking about him again anyway and thinking about him even when she doesn't actually REFER to him. And pressure-point orgasm yaaaaaaaaaaay. <3333

Also, Jet is such a trooper, still finding time to boob-nuzzle while passing out. XD THAT'S THE KIND OF DETERMINATION THAT MAKES A REBEL LEADER.

When you say "buffalo wings" I do not picture the usual version. *cackles*

FTW: He stares at her, swords dripping gore, and thinks, Pretty, she's so pretty. [. . .] Pretty, he thinks again and he follows her home.

Also ftw: Except Lee. Lee had never asked her anything.


Re: Avatar: Jet/Song (2/2) beckyh2112 August 6 2009, 17:16:52 UTC

Song had to learn her doctoring and practicality from somewhere. Besides, sometimes Song brings home older men who flirt with her (hi, Mushi)! Stupid Zuko. You don't score with the girl, and now she's getting sex with a terrorist! And then she's going to get married to a Fire soldier! The pressure-point stuff was fun to do.

Jet keeps his eyes on the prize, he does.

This is Avatar. Why would you picture the usual version? ^___^


Re: Avatar: Jet/Song (2/2) suzukiblu August 7 2009, 03:11:16 UTC
REALLY I NEED LIKE FIVE. *note to self for time-killing this weekend*

Song is so thoughtful like that. <3 (you know Song!mama and Iroh so scored while Song and Zuko were having their big emo scene <<)

There is no reason at all.


Re: Avatar: Jet/Song (2/2) beckyh2112 August 7 2009, 03:16:42 UTC
VICTORY! Please to be sharing if/when you make them? I <3 Suzuki-icons.

(They did. And then Iroh let Zuko steal Song!mama's ostrich-horse. Bad, bad man.)

The important question is, how many wings does a buffalo have?


Re: Avatar: Jet/Song (2/2) suzukiblu August 7 2009, 03:25:49 UTC
I shall. *meanwhile, STROKES yours*

(And this is why Iroh is a terrible father figure. Srsly.)

I suspect six! Wind buffalos surely are related to air bisons. <<


Re: Avatar: Jet/Song (2/2) beckyh2112 August 7 2009, 03:32:31 UTC
Pux made it for me. ^_^ Well, for herself, but she let me gank it.

(On a scale of Ozai to Hakoda, Iroh falls much closer to Ozai than to Hakoda. Just sayin'.)

Oooh! I like!


Re: Avatar: Jet/Song (2/2) suzukiblu August 7 2009, 03:42:27 UTC
*peeeeeets it* It makes me terribly happy. And makes me DEFINITELY want my own.

(Yes, yes he does. Admittedly he actually LOVES his son(s), but also he kinda, uh, replaced Lu Ten with Zuko. AND TELLS ZUKO THIS. God, Zuko, you will just take any scrap of love.)

NomnomDELICIOUS. Wings EVERYWHERE. *drools*


spyridona August 8 2009, 20:58:06 UTC
Oh, Song. You quick girl. <3

I enjoyed their conversation a bit more than the sex, and I enjoyed all the comparisons back to Lee and the wounds she has from trusting him and so wisely doesn't trust crazy-Jet.


beckyh2112 August 8 2009, 22:02:19 UTC
Lee left marks on Song, he did. She trusted him despite him being Fire, and then he went and abused that trust.

The conversation was fun to write. They are amusing flirts. ^_^


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