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Vampatar: Missing Teo! beckyh2112 July 1 2009, 22:24:39 UTC
Night is falling, and Haru is half-dead from Toph trying to kill him. They say it's training, but Katara is suspicious. She's not sure she'll heal him until tomorrow afternoon, so he doesn't do this to himself again.

The Duke has been helping her with dinner. Well, inasmuch as he can help without Zuko getting all flustered. For a boy who has been taught how to burn from the cradle, he gets upset over an eight-year-old handling knives. So Katara has had to do all the peeling as well as cutting the meat, because Aang gets upset if she water-whips Zuko for being an idiot.

Sokka has dragged Aang off to teach him how to hunt, and Zuko is sitting on the other side of Haru, shoulders hunched like he's guilty of something. (Or like he's trying not to be a target, some part of her whispers.)

"Where's Teo?" Haru asks suddenly, and Katara realizes with a sinking feeling she has no idea where the boy is.

Zuko startles and looks around, as well, and Haru struggles to climb to his feet. He's too worn, though, and when he falls, it's Zuko who catches him.

Katara's eyes flash, but the bastard does nothing untoward. He lowers Haru back down to the ground. "I'll go look for him," Zuko declares.

Katara makes an annoyed sound and walks away without acknowledging him. As soon as she's out of everyone's sight, she shifts and takes a deep breath, catching Teo's scent and following it.


Haru remembers that Teo was going to forage on the ground above the temple, so Zuko climbs out of the temple. Again. It's just as painful as it was last time, because the Air Monks did not build for people who had to walk to get places.

Zuko only remembers he doesn't know how to track when he gets out on the ground above the temple. Then he spots the furrows of Teo's wheels in the dirt, and he cups a flame in his hands so he won't miss anything as he follows the track into the woods.

The white wolf that likes Teo finds him there. It growls at him, and he growls back.

"I'm looking for Teo," he says, and it growls at him still more before ducking its nose to the ground and taking off.

Wolves track by scent, he thinks, and then he takes off after it, because even if he and the wolf don't like each other, the wolf does like Teo.

And then it starts to rain.

Zuko knows the world hates him, but if Teo is out in this, it's being unnecessarily cruel.

He brightens the fire in his hands and scrambles through the woods after the white wolf. It looks as bedraggled and miserable as he feels, but then it explodes into an open space with a creek, and there's Teo, his chair stuck in the gully of the creek, hunched over in the rain.

The wolf dances frantically around him, and Teo looks up, face brightening with a smile. Zuko grins himself, because this whole damn thing is suddenly worth it.

"Hey," he says, but the rain is too loud, so instead he works on freeing Teo from the gully, while Teo holds on tight to the wolf's fur.


Re: Vampatar: Missing Teo! dark_puck July 1 2009, 22:29:37 UTC

*cuddles Teo and Zuko and Katarawoof* Working together without Zuko realising is <3. Because there are some things more important than rivalries.

Also, TEOSMILE. Everything is worth a Teosmile.


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