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Feral Airbenders 2 beckyh2112 July 1 2009, 21:07:31 UTC
All right, training with Sifu Aang has turned out to be very cool so far, Migao had to admit. Not only was Migao finally learning to use his airbending effectively (and he is loathe to admit how much he loveloveloves his new glider), Shen is also improving his firebending. Because, hey, Sifu Aang is the Avatar.

He could live without the sandbenders. Neither of whom actually bend sand, but he's not sure what else to call them, and if he asks, they'll bite off his head and piss down his neck.

Yeah, Migao could live very happily without the sandbenders.

He does like Izo and Hayato Hawk-Eye. It's good to have someone else to talk about army-life with, and their little girl is just adorable. He's kind of certain he's seen her face before, but he's seen a lot of people's faces over the years.

Shen dragged the other two Fire soldiers off two days ago, heading down the mountainside to visit a village with actual beer. Sifu Aang doesn't really approve of beer and wine, and the Mechanist's people hadn't yet made a good distillery.

Migao asked them to bring him back some, because he couldn't very well wander off from his airbending lessons.

Right now, he's keeping an eye on Jae Hwa and practicing his breathing. She and the little Water Tribe airbender, Nikal, are practicing their archery. They're both good, and Jae Hwa would already qualify for an archery posting in the army with her skill. Nikal seems to have a harder time of it, but he can't tell if it's because she hasn't practiced enough or her airbending is messing up her shots.

If she keeps missing, he's going to suggest she stop trying to airbend her arrows until she's got the basic skills down. Migao has seen her cousin nail a bird on the wing with her bow, and Izo can put an arrow through a man's throat at four hundred paces. Skill can take a person a long, long way.

The silent Earth Kingdom boy steps up to the line beside Jae Hwa, and Migao tenses to spring into action before he consciously realizes it.


He says nothing as he shoots, and Jae Hwa does her best to ignore him. But her shots aren't quite hitting where she means for them to, and she scowls. That's not right, she's gotten her airbending too good for her shots to go astray in Nikal's winds.

Then it clicks, and she whirls on the Earth Kingdom boy with a growl. Her bow is in her hands, an arrow on the string, and when he turns towards her with his bow at full-draw, she can't help put pull hers back as well.

They stand frozen for a moment, eyes locked, and she sees the exact moment he decides to actually release his arrow.

"Hai!" Someone calls out, and air slashes through both their bow strings, cutting them.

Then Tikaani grabs Jae Hwa by her ear, and the Earth Kingdom boy by his, and they both howl as she twists. "Idiots!"

Jae Hwa struggles, but Tikaani is strong from years of hunting and hauling, and she just gets her ear twisted even harder for her troubles.

"You are both idiots," the Water Tribe girl declares, "And we'll see what the Avatar has to say about your idiocy."


Re: Feral Airbenders 2 dark_puck July 1 2009, 21:11:58 UTC
<3 Feral airbenders are LOVE. Especially ear-twistage from Tikaani and the tension boiling between the earth and firefolk and how EVERYBODY ELSE is just chillin'. Is many lulz.


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