[Sentence-Fic] Hahn/Yue - Undertow

Jun 28, 2009 17:37

Title: Undertow
Characters: Hahn/Yue, Sokka/Yue, Katara, Chulyin (OC), Krisuk (OC), Yugoda, and Arnook
Rating: PG-13
Author's Notes: The course of Hahn and Yue's relationship up until the end of Siege of the North. I tried to portray Hahn as both a jerk and sympathetic, and am not sure how well I succeeded on both counts. I also tried to portray Yue as sympathetic, which I'm sure I succeeded more on.

Krisuk is dark_puck's OC, who I borrowed. You can see more of him in Ice Lord, as well as in my evil Water Tribe AU. (For that, I direct you to the au: evil water tribe tag.) Chulyin, sadly, only yet appears in the evil Water Tribe AU.

Numerical order rather than chronological this time around. Using 1character's Epsilon themeset.


01. Hood

"My sister made it," Hahn said awkwardly as he held a parka out to her; Yue ran her hands over it, admiring the ruff of black fur along the hood.

02. Buzz

Hahn says her name over and over again as he walks, teaching his lips and tongue to shape it so he won't trip himself up.

03. Wish

Hahn wants to be hateful and hurtful, but when he stares at Katara, all he can think is it's not her fault her brother is a jackass.

04. Seasons

Hahn walks with the summer around him like a coat, and he brings back birds and fish as easily as breathing; Yue wears the winter in hair-ties, and she is hungry for something more than Hahn can bring her.

05. Threat

Chulyin shoves him up against a wall, her skinning knife digging into his chin; "Hurt her more than she hurts you, and I'll even the score for her."

06. Portrait

It's a long winter, and even in a city of waterbenders, there are days when people just don't go outside; Hahn practices his scrimshaw relentlessly, cutting a white-haired beauty into pieces of dark whale baleen.

07. Loud

She remembers two little boys, howling with laughter as one tried to drown the other with waterbending; he remembers two little girls, chasing each other under people's feet, black and white hair bright in the sun.

08. Energy

"You're trying to kill me," Hahn mutters into her shoulder as Yue slips her thigh in between his.

09. Purge

Katara pours the Northern boy tea and rolls her eyes, "I know. Girls always flock to him, and it's just so aggravating!"

10. Mouse

"Hey," he says in her ear, and she startles; surely, surely he hadn't walked up to her without cracking the ice, surely she'd just been distracted.

11. Attic

Yue shows Hahn how to get into the upper storage levels of the palace towers after her father walks in on them consummating their engagement.

12. Second-Rate

Hahn came back from a hunting trip one day, and hey, they had the Avatar and some kids from the South Pole visiting, that was cool; but then Yue never had time to see him.

13. Dash

Hahn chases her through the snow, laughing as Yue dodges him, and then she tackles him and bears him down to the ground, giggling.

14. Attitude

Hahn is always so sure he's right, and Yue can't stand it because he never admits to being wrong even when she makes it painfully clear to him.

15. Wisdom

His cheek bright red with Yue's handprint, Hahn stalks down to his family's apartments and digs out the turquoise trade-beads he would bring her tomorrow.

16. Sight

Hahn looks up from helping his sisters mend nets to see a boat sailing through the canal with Princess Yue sitting in it; he can't take his eyes off her and turns to follow her until she's out of sight.

17. Address

Hahn's family has an apartment block all to themselves in a nice part of the ice-city; Yue looks wistfully at it from the palace and wishes she had black hair to sneak down to see him.

18. Minute

This is the first time she has been alone with Hahn since Sokka came, and all they have time for is one reluctant kiss before he has to join the strike-team against Admiral Zhao.

19. Cotton

Hahn has a piece of trade-cloth under the furs on his bed, and Yue finds the texture fascinating against her skin.

20. Claw

Hahn can't stand Sokka - the Southern Water Tribesman is rude, mocking, and Yue thinks he lit the stars; Hahn can't be around Sokka without digging his nails into his palm until his hand aches.

21. Limit

Yue has hit Hahn five times that she can think of, but she's never once been afraid he would hit her back.

22. Unique

No other girl has hair the color of snow; no other boy makes her so warm to think about.

23. Gravity

Hahn stands up to volunteer when her father asks for men to fight the Fire Nation, but Yue finds it's Sokka's rising that puts her heart in her throat.

24. Yesterday

Yesterday, she had been waiting for Hahn to come home from his hunting trip; today, she and Sokka are going to do 'activities'.

25. Jungle

"After the South split from the North, another group left, going far to the south but not all the way, settling in a place of warmth and green," Hahn said softly; Yue snuggled closer, impressed as always that he could remember so many stories even if he couldn't remember the names of the characters.

26. Garden

In the warmth of the oasis, Yue finds herself happy to shed her coat and happier still to help Hahn out of his tunic.

27. Question

"Why do you love her?" Chulyin asks, her voice all challenge; Hahn shrugs, "She's sweet," and the raven-haired girl's expression says that wasn't the answer he was supposed to give.

28. Text

Yue practices her characters in sealblood on Hahn's back, then licks them away.

29. Plastic

Hahn's first gift to her is an arrowhead carved of rock crystal on a leather thong; Sokka's is a fish carved out of wood.

30. Block

"I love you," Hahn whispers, and Yue nuzzles his shoulder so she doesn't have to answer.

31. Escort

"Hey, you need a hand?"; Yue blinks as the handsome young hunter falls in to step beside her, a brace of birds over one shoulder; "No," she replies as she shifts the basket of shellfish on her shoulder, "I'm fine."

32. Insult

Hahn isn't listening to her arguments, so she slaps him; "Bitch!"; she slaps him again, and he storms out.

33. Blood

Her hunter is on his deathbed, and all Yue can do is hold Hahn's hand while Yugoda heals the ugly cariboumoose goring; his breath is ragged and bubbling, and all Yue can do is beg the fishes to have gotten there in time.

34. Gold

"You can trust sunlight," Hahn says as he shows her the cariboumoose herd, "It's moonlight that tricks your eyes."

35. Spot

Yue thinks, 'he wears dark blue and has black hair, how hard can it be to pick him out from the snow?'; Hahn is almost at the gates of the city before she realizes he's in sight.

36. Melt

Yue doesn't care for men because she knows they only see her for the value of her father's position; Hahn lays siege to her with his presence and in a month just spotting him in a crowd makes her smile.

37. Guilt

Sokka almost kisses her, and Yue doesn't remember to feel guilty for betraying Hahn until hours later.

38. Duel

Her father doesn't mention it, but Chulyin does because Yue has always had to trust Chulyin for the bad news - Sokka was set to guard her because he and Hahn were fighting over her, and Arnook couldn't trust them on the same mission.

39. Stranger

Yue walks with the Southern boy, eyes bright and smiling; Hahn steps back from the roof-edge until he can't see them anymore and leaves his unfinished arrowheads scattered there.

40. Wait

"In a month, we'll be married," Hahn says, and Yue snuggles closer in his arms so he can't see her face.

41. Glow

Yue curls up closer to his side, Hahn tightens his arm around her, and their fingers twine together as they watch the green-blue curtain of light high above.

42. Action

Before Krisuk left, it was Krisuk who flirted with girls; a year after the other boy is gone, Hahn takes it up with a vengeance and doesn't stop until the day Yue turns fifteen.

43. Chain

Hahn binds himself to Yue with a length of blue ribbon and carved stone.

44. Bitter

Hahn doesn't understand people; he's been told most people don't understand other people, but he really doesn't understand people, and it took him a month of chasing Yue for her to accept his courting; Sokka charms Yue in one night.

45. Lock

Hahn said the words in Old Ice as he wrapped his necklace around her throat, then Yue clasped his hands and spoke the acknowledging and reciprocal words.

46. Order

"Don't do this," Yue commands as Hahn pulls the Fire Nation armor on; he glances at her, "I don't see you telling Sokka to be a coward."

47. Friends

Krisuk left three years before, and Chulyin has gone with her family to hunt whales near the Fire Nation, so it's only their parents who celebrate Hahn and Yue's engagement.

48. Prison

"You don't love him, do you?"; more than anything in the world, Yue wants to throw away the collar around her neck.

49. Journal

'I gave Yue my engagement necklace today,' Hahn writes on a scrap of old sealskin - another letter to Krisuk that will never be sent.

50. Zero

Yue is the moon, and the moon can have anything, so she has a boy made of sealblood and wolfsinew and hunter's heart.

character: sokka, writing, character: hahn, character: water tribe, series: avatar, character: krisuk, character: katara, character: yue

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