[Porn Battle] Two Avatar Ficlets

Jun 15, 2009 16:26

Smutty, of course.


Untitled, Hahn/Yue/Sokka, moon

His hair is as white as hers once was, and Sokka tangles his fingers in the moonbright strands as he drags Hahn into a kiss. The other man tastes harsh, fish and blood and saltwater.

They kiss sloppily, teeth sliding past each other, lips hard, tongues daring against teeth. They kiss like they hate each other, and they do in a way, and they don't either because they aren't the same boys they once were.

"I heard you died," Sokka mutters as he shoves his hands under Hahn's tunic.

"I did." Hahn arches against his hands, his fingers digging into Sokka's shoulders. "Got better."

"Yeah," Sokka breathes as he buries his face in that moonpale hair. "Yeah..."

Hahn jerks against him, hard as his kiss earlier, hard as the packed wet beach sand underneath their feet. Sokka grins against his neck as he presses his hands against the other man's chest, strokes the lean hunter's muscles, tweaks his nipples like he's a woman.

From the hitch in Hahn's breathing, it's almost as nice as if he were a woman. With hair of spun moonbeams.

Sokka thrusts against the other man's thighs, his cock trapped in his leggings. He's not sure he wants to free it.

Hands slide down his back and lips press softly to the sensitive skin just behind his ears. He still feels the touches there when those lips slide down his neck, and it takes him a few minutes to realize he's staring at the brilliant happiness on Hahn's face who is definitely not kissing him.

After that, when breasts press against his back and silver light spills around him to illuminate them both, he gets it.

"Yu-" He starts to say, but Hahn's mouth crushes his words to silence. Thin hands slip between them, undoing the ties of their pants, wrapping around them.

He isn't sure whose knees buckle first, but Sokka is vaguely aware he isn't standing against Hahn anymore. They're both kneeling in the sand, and he's almost pushed Hahn down onto his back, and Yue is still cool and soft and wonderful against his back.

Sweat-slick between them, and their voices are hoarse as she moves them, but Sokka reaches back to press his hand between her thighs, and Hahn reaches around him to touch her breasts, and then her voice joins theirs.

It's getting too bright to see, and Sokka's eyes are slits that only take in the moonwhite hair. Then one of them cries out, and Hahn sinks his teeth into Sokka's shoulder, and that should not feel as good as it does-

White-silver light, and Sokka feels Yue tighten around his fingers. Her hands squeeze them harder, and Sokka spills his seed in her hand.



Earthquake Weather, Jet/Haru, hair

The long-haired boy is too pretty to be real, Jet thinks. Especially all alone in the wild woods like this. Didn't he know there were bandits in these woods?

Jet follows him, staying on the branches over the road. The boy never turns to look around him, just keeps watching ahead. Jet can't help but be disgusted at how foolish the boy is.

He's lucky, though. It's Jet stalking him, and not a Fire Nation soldier.

Jet leaps down to the road behind the boy, quiet as a sparrow. He means to just scare the other boy, but as soon as his feet touch the ground, the boy has spun towards him, one arm punching out.

A wave of earth crashes into Jet's chest, knocking him against a tree and hardening to stone around him.

-Oh. Okay then.

Jet stares at the boy, who stares back with wide green eyes. He can't remember the last time he's seen an earthbender. If it weren't for Katara and Aang, he wouldn't remember the last time he'd seen a 'bender at all.

At least not one who didn't use fire.

"Sorry," the boy says, "I thought you were someone else."

He doesn't release the stone holding Jet, though, and Jet thinks there might be a reason for that.

He grins at the boy. "Yeah? You expecting to meet anyone else out here?"

A small smile curves the boy's lips, and he really is pretty as a girl. The kind of girl Jet likes, too; the ones who are more than they seem and have knives under their skin.

"They say there are bandits in these woods," the boy says, "And I think the Fire Nation knows a thing or two about banditry."

Jet tries to shrug, but the rock won't let him. "Fire Nation doesn't know these lands. They think everyone who isn't one of them is a bandit."

Green eyes study him, and he has the unsettling feeling the other boy might read him like Sokka did. But the rock melts to dirt and settles back into the road, and the boy turns away.

That almost sends Jet over the edge, and for the life of him, he can't figure out why. He lets the other boy walk away, though.

Because there's still two days of walking before the boy is out of the woods.


That night, he sneaks into the boy's camp. It's out of sight of the road but oriented so the road is findable again. Clever.

The stone tent over the boy is both clever and annoying, but Jet finds a way to worm inside, and he grins to feel soft hair under his hands and a warm body against his own.

The boy isn't nearly as happy to see him as he is, and Jet finds himself shackled to one wall of the tent with rock.


The boy swears at him, rather more coarsely than Jet would have expected from someone so pretty and fine. The filth spilling from the boy's mouth makes his cock sit up and take notice.

"What's your name? I'm Jet."


"Wanna fuck?"

"... No."

Haru cracks open the wall of his tent and dumps Jet out on the other side, then all the openings slam shut with rock.

Jet grins. There was some hesitation there. He can work with that.


Haru reaches the edge of the forest before he runs into trouble. That's just a bit impressive, Jet thinks, especially for someone sticking to the road.

But now it's him against a squad of firebenders, and the boy is a pretty good earthbender but there's only one of him. Jet, however, never says no to a chance to tear open Fire Nation throats.

Besides, it's fucking hot the way Haru goes for killing blows with his earthbending.

Afterwards, there are dead men in red armor on the ground, blood on Jet's swords, and sweat on Haru's skin. Jet's cock is very much at attention, and he's calculating how to steal a kiss before the boy earthbends him into an early grave, when Haru shoves him up against a tree and steals his breath with a kiss.

It demands, and Jet responds, rubbing against the other boy, tangling his hands in that soft, pretty hair. Haru's tongue flicks against his lips, and Jet opens his mouth to the other boy, yanking on Haru's hair to pull the other boy closer.

Haru thrusts against him, and Jet wishes he had more hands, because they both need to be more naked. But that would mean moving his hands, and he definitely isn't doing that.

So they grind against each other and kiss, Haru's hands clenching the material of Jet's tunic tight. Then one of his hands fumbles at Jet's belt, and Jet shifts his hips to be more helpful. The way rubbing like that makes stars go off behind his eyes is completely coincidental.

His teeth close on Haru's lower lip, and then Haru tugs his pants down, and he curses Jet for not helping him with his own pants, which just makes Jet's cock twitch happily.

Then their pants are around their knees, and Haru takes them both in hand, and Jet gets one of his arms bit for yanking too hard on the other boy's hair.

Jet leers and kisses Haru again, cock sliding against Haru's and through the warm tightness of Haru's sweat-slicked hand. They're going hard enough, Jet swears their sweat should foam.

He comes in Haru's hand, and Haru's seed spills stickily on him, Haru biting his lip to silence himself, and it's so damn hot, Jet's almost ready for a second round.

Haru doesn't want a second round, though, and it's Jet's turn to curse as the other boy cleans himself off, does up his clothes, and walks away.


character: sokka, character: haru, character: jet, writing, character: hahn, series: avatar, character: yue

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