Request a Ficlet!

May 26, 2009 18:56

So! First ten commenters to this post can request a ficlet of their choice. It will be between 100-500 words ideally, unless I ramble off forever. Which is my right.

- One request only
- It must be Avatar: the Last Airbender-related.
- If I dislike the pairing, I will make you request something different or give your slot to someone else if you don't want to request something different. (Hint: I dislike Ursa/Iroh and any child/parent incest.)

I also don't feel like writing non-con right now, so none of that.

Exceptions to it being Avatar:
- dark_puck and charles_rb can request anything
- Luna, Jess, and Scott can request anything Transformers-related
- Kep can request anything Star Wars or Marvel comics-related

Requests filled out.

character: elita one, character: krisuk, character: earth kingdom, character: mai, comics, character: hitozi and ursa, character: fire nation, character: zuko, character: ozai, character: stunticons, series: x-men, character: sokka, writing, character: lu ten, character: hahn, character: water tribe, series: avatar, series: g1 transformers, series: transformers animated, au: vampatar, character: toph, au: lightning at sea, character: iroh, character: dai li

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