RiD Scourge vs. Blind Ani Motormaster

May 24, 2009 22:19

[Luna]: ...and there is still that 'All room-mates will be challenged to a duel' sign on Scourge's door. That Motormaster can't read. Built-in epic brawl!
[Me]: *laughs!* Oh man. Yes, we totally have to do that
[Luna]: "Didn't you read the sign on the door?" Pause, facepalms. "Wait. You're blind. I will.... go put up the sign again. In Braille."
[Me]: "... Braille?"
[Luna]: "...it's this writing that blind people can read. Raised dots. Very politically correct."
[Me]: "Uh. I guess I'll... download that."
[Luna]: "...you haven't been to Earth?" *Scourge want to cry. Or kill something.*
[Me]: "No, can't say I have."
[Luna]: "Excuse me. Need to go kill something. Back in a moment."
[Me]: "Right-o. I'll just put my lack of things on an unoccupied berth."
[Luna]: *From the hall.* "Actually, put them on Duskwing's berth."

rpg: deadzone

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