Random Updates on Life

Apr 27, 2009 13:45

1) I am graduating from university on May 15th. Panic-flail!

Before I do that, though, I have a lot of writing to do.
Today: Finish revision on "Three Can Keep a Secret"
By Wednesday: - Write third short story for reading aloud in short story class (because our prof thinks we should practice doing book-readings, which is kind of awesome)
- Write one-page paper on the Tao Te Ching
By Monday: - Be happy with my play revisions, have finished my journal because it's due at noon
By next Wednesday: - Finish short story revisions, put together editorial portfolio, write author commentary, be happy with everything because it's due at noon

2) suzukiblu and I have been commenting up a storm across three different journal entries. This amuses me way too much. Also, you can blame her for my inner-Jet. (I mean, yeah, I had him before because if you're roleplaying stuff with Zuko in Ba Sing Se, you need him and his CAPSLOCK OF RAGE, but I never really did much with him before we started talking.)

3) Tell me I can't use Shinto as a model for a native Fire Nation religion. (You know the Fire royals trace their ancestry back to Agni.)(Is Agni the god of the sun or the god of fire? I don't precisely remember.)(Also, I need to find something to do with Yuriko and Nori, since they only get to do stuff in the Ozai-adopts-Yujiro timeline, which is even further off from the main timeline than usual for Pux and me.)

4) I need to try to finish reading "Humphrey Clinker" and find good cliff notes on "Moll Flanders" for that final. Argh.

5) Need to find a good shot of Ozai's Firelord portrait. Like how Zuko spends a lot of time staring at Sozin's portrait in "The Avatar and the Firelord".

6) Watched "Transwarped" last night. Scott got squeed at a lot. Seriously, that was the worst day ever for Detroit in terms of property destruction. Also, also, Sari's new upgrade is so cute. Also, also, SHOX! Blurr's running across space was amazing. Starscream's ability to be a threat as a severed head is amazing. I love the sonic-scream thing. Megatron needs to learn Optimus's name sometime. SO COOL.

7) I want to do something with my Elita One (from "Conduct Unbecoming") and Nightbeat now. One is an exiled old Autobot soldier, one is a new-Allsparked noir detective - together, they fight crime.

lsu, writing, series: avatar, series: transformers animated

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