
Mar 14, 2009 18:00

Because, really, the only writing I should be focusing on is the stuff I need to write for class. Oh god, oh god. A play and a short story due in two weeks. At least I have an idea for the play.

Post one or more sentences from each of your WIP's because if you do you might be magically inspired to finish them.


The cool spray of paint startled him out of his daze. There, on his chest, was the Decepticon sigil, and Rattler shaking his hand. "Well done, soldier, Well done, /Decepticon/."
- "They Throw Their Dice"

Pristine whites and warm pinks covered her from head-to-foot. The colors were almost exact matches- He tried not to flinch. Almost exactly Ariel's colors. "I'm sorry," he continued. "I should have listened to Silverbolt, shouldn't have been such a fool-"
- Optimus/Elita first kiss

Outrage flashed across Motormaster's face, and for one frozen instant Silverbolt had time to think that Slingshot's way *never* worked.
- Motormaster/Silverbolt bit

The Lamborghini's sweep halted on Tracks. Sunstreaker *glared*, optics flaring in the centers, mouth tightening. Boor. Tracks didn't look away from the glare, his wings remaining casually relaxed.
- Sunstreaker/Tracks fic

He hadn't smiled during those years, Kyle was pretty sure. There hadn't been enough of him in there to smile.
- Wild Child fic

"Who needs a prosthetic? I've got the real thing." She grinned as 'borrow mine' clicked. "You've got a port? You do! You're even more of a woman than me!"
- Catechism/Blitzwing fic

Neville didn't answer that for a few minutes. Instead he waved his wand over the prepared bed, murmuring a few charms to check the condition of the soil. All of the charms revealed the as-close-to-ideal soil conditions he could get for raising mandrakes in England, and he grinned.
- Harry Potter fic

Stone cuffs held the man's hands strapped to the slab, and his only clothes were rust-brown pants of the sort an unfashionable noble might wear. He stood on careful little shelves one of the Dai Li agents had put there. Their firebender had been behaving then.
- Long Feng and Zhao fic

The first thing Aang realized was that the storm was over. No, wait, he was inside a cave. Maybe the storm was still going on outside. For now, though, the rain wasn't coming down, and the whole mountainside wasn't sliding down on top of him.

Then he noticed the pair of Earth Kingdom people looking at him. The boy looked to be about five years older than him - almost a man in the Water Tribes. He wore leaf-green armor over duller green and brown clothes. His feet were covered in a sturdy pair of boots, so he couldn't be an earthbender. At his belt hung what looked like a Water Tribe boomerang made of grey metal, and a sword was slung across his back.

The girl was perhaps a year or two younger than the boy, dressed in a simple tan dress lined with the same leaf green of the boy's armor. _Her_ feet were bare, though she held a pair of thin slippers in one hand. Her dark hair was pulled back in a braid, and a matching pair of combs had been worked into her hair.

She was... really pretty.

They were both staring at him.

"Um, hi?" Aang gave them a little wave.
- the opening scene for a "reshuffle everyone's nationalities" AU

comics, series: harry potter, writing, series: avatar, series: g1 transformers, meme

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