Jan 30, 2009 14:42
I'm in love with Seanan McGuire again.
First she seduced me with "Stars Fall Home", which is a wonderful grab-bag of her songs. Then she tossed a bit of flirtation at me when my love was fading to a comfortable love with the test-track of "Wicked Girls". Now she's bent me over the table and made me beg for more with "Red Roses and Dead Things".
This is her horror and mad science-themed cd. Songs vary from quite fun (The Black Death, Oh Michelle) to quite creepy (Dear Gina, Darkness Falls) to knock-you-off-your-feet (You Get the Tickets, What a Woman's For) and everywhere in between.
I am not sure if me liking this CD better than "Stars Fall Home" is because it's new and shiny or because I like all of the songs on this CD, whereas there's one on "Stars Fall Home" I regularly skip over. They are both singularly excellent CDs, however, and definitely something to purchase.
My boyfriend brings me... dead things.
I don't mean roadkill. He's not crude.
I mean reanimated... corpses,
Their patches surgically glued.
- "Courting Gifts", Red Roses and Dead Things