Post one or more sentences from each of your WIP's because if you do you might be magically inspired to finish them.
In the Department, after getting pulled from the wreckage of his first supersoldier program, some of the doctors had made him smile.
- As yet untitled "history of Wild Child via smiles" fic
Another soldier calls his honor into question, baldly states that he is fucking the Water Tribe girl; such an insult can only be met inside a circle drawn in the earth.
- 50 Zhao/Katara sentences
Other Transformers are so accustomed to hearing his voice in triplicate that it is almost a disguise in and of itself to talk from only one mouth.
- 50 Reflector sentences
Starscream lounged on his throne, smirking down at the battered Aerialbot forced to kneel before him.
- That 10 songs meme
Ghost, I thought distantly in the part of me that would prattle on about the artistic technique used to create a blood-dripping idol.
- Original untitled horror piece
He knew, he just knew when he went in there later, he'd find Trap sprawled out on the bed, blond hair turned golden against the white sheets.
- untitled Trap/Snazz slash
"[...] You're not worthy to look on the mechs who've earned their symbols, but some of us will tolerate it while we mold you into real Decepticons."
- "They Throw Their Dice"
"Soft, lithe, curvesome, oh, I just want to run my hands over her!"
- untitled Ani Blitzwing and Blackarachnia fic
"[...] You know you're a terrible patient when you're the one under the knife, and neither I nor Long Haul need you trying to 'help' when we're doing something this complicated."
- "We Meant Marital Aid, Not Martial Aid"
For a few moments, he took refuge in not thinking about anything at all except how pleasant her hands were on his helm.
- Optimus and Elita's first kiss
The faint crackle of the Stunticon's forcefields against his face, the brutal mouth on his, the pressure on his armor as Motormaster pulled the creance lines tighter - it was all too much for the Aerialbot.
- untitled Silverbolt/Motormaster
"Hunter?" Josie's voice sounded very small, and his heads-up display highlighted all the little giveaways that he was scaring the human.
- untitled Sunhunter/Josie Beller fic