(no subject)

Jun 13, 2007 14:42

Work is going well. Am finally getting trained as a sales associate rather than an office worker.

Got my Botcon confirmation, so I just have to be there at the airport Thursday morning. (Well, I also need to go over what I can and cannot bring with me on the plane. I'm thinking of taking two backpacks into carry-on as my only luggage, though. I don't feel like dealing with the chance of losing my luggage.)

Need to pay for D*C and get an update on the hotel situation from Ryuu.

In the meanwhile, here's a cut scene from a fic I'm currently working on. It amused me sufficiently that I am sad it doesn't fit into the story.


"Don't be too hard on the lad, Magnus. Why, when I served in the Perihex watch-"

"I find it hard to believe that you ever abandoned your post to grope one of your cohorts, Kup," Ultra Magnus interrupted before the old mech could launch into another of his endless stories. "And if you did, I don't want to hear about it."

He told himself that he appreciated the old soldier showing up one day out of the gold. He really did. Having someone else to ride herd over the younger mechs was a gift straight from below. But Kup's checkered career had given him more stories than a person could imagine, and Ultra Magnus was sure at least a third of the ones he had heard were outright lies. There were no lost civilizations underneath Cybertron's surface filled solely with beautiful female cars, and Kup had definitely not gone there with the most notorious madame in Kaon!

At least the kids were starting to tune Kup's stories out as well. He'd worried for a while that they would use what Kup had done in the past as an excuse for mischief in the present.

"Arright," Kup said. He didn't seem bothered about Ultra Magnus shutting him down. "I'll talk to Hot Rod, you talk to Arcee."

"Why don't I talk to Hot Rod-" He hadn't gotten to have a real talk with Hot Rod since Kup arrived. The flashy young warrior had glommed onto Kup almost immediately with something uncomfortably like hero-worship. At least that had faded with time, but he still thought Hot Rod was far closer to Kup than... Well, than he had ever been to Ultra Magnus.

"Magnus, Arcee will listen if you talk to her. Hot Rod won't." Kup waved a hand as Ultra Magnus started to object. "You know he won't. He'll just do it again because it makes you mad."

character: kup, writing, botcon, character: autobots, series: g1 transformers, real life

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