I *like* Nextwave

May 22, 2007 12:42

Did some job-hunting today, but that got derailed when I hit the Barnes and Noble. Sure, they're hiring. Sure, I picked up an application. Sure, I got sucked into checking out what was new in each section. (What? It's what I do, dangit.)

"Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser" caught my eye in the graphics novel section. I read a collection of the Fritz Leiber short stories a couple of years back and enjoyed them greatly, so I thought I would check this out. I like the art-style, but oh man, the shading drives me nuts sometimes. Too much stark black.

But, oh man, does the dialogue ever keep up the flavor of the original short stories. My favorite sword-and-sorcery duo are just as bad-ass as I remember them from the stories. And squee! I remember reading these stories as text, and they're pretty much as I remember them in the graphic novel!

Also picked up Nextwave 1 and Fables 1 in trade paperback. They are both very, very awesome. I require more, but I'll probably put it off to a couple paychecks down the line. Not even sure if the next Nextwave tbp is available, anyway.

Between Team People and Nextwave, I'm getting a good reminder of why I love the superhero genre. So any recommendations for other superhero comics to check out?

comics, real life

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