
May 10, 2007 17:15

- crackficathon needs more entries. Sign-up deadline is June 4th.

- springkink needs more Transformers suggestions that I can actually snag to write. And a Harry Potter, Crabbe/Goyle one that I can snag. More Dresden Files and Sailor Moon1 prompts would also be good. *makes sad human eyes at*

(1. Don't ask me why I'm into Sailor Moon right now, I just am. And as long as it's from R or earlier, I can totally write it.)

- I forgot how purely fun Beast Wars is. Just rewatched the first three episodes of season two, and rawr! I love the fuzors, I love the silly transmetal designs, I love the dialogue. Quickstrike is such a little psycho ("Yeah, he misunderstands my need to kick his keister!") and Silverbolt is adorably idealistic but not afraid to kick ass. He's not a bad tactician, either. But, man oh man, trying to make him compromise his morals takes Megatron beating on him.

I'm inclined to think that if Silverbolt had stuck with the Predacons, he would have wound up in a shallow grave. Not sure if even Megatron's need for troops would outweigh the annoyance of having a paladin on their side.

On the other hand, a Predacon!Silverbolt AU intrigues me. I just can't think of any good way to make it actually work.

- Favorite dialogue exchange thus far:
Silverbolt: "We outnumber them almost two-to-one!"
Megatron: "Yes..."
Silverbolt: "We've nearly twice their firepower!"
Megatron: "Yes..."
Silverbolt: "We should give them a chance to surrender!"
Megatron: "... No."

It's interesting to me that every time Silverbolt does something that I think of as stupid, it's because Megatron has just ordered him to do something that he thinks is morally wrong. Of course, after Megatron smacks him around and threatens him, Silverbolt does follow that order.

Silverbolt was the one who figured out that the Maximals were fighting to keep the Predacons away from the ship, rather than fighting to get rid of them. Mostly by yelling at Megatron about how insanely the Maximals were fighting and citing specific things that they had done wrong. Boy's not dumb.

He also seems to be a tank on wings from the way he does things. Like fling himself at Megatron and knock the ty-rex into a canyon.

writing: springkink, ficathon, series: beast wars

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