Random Jetstorm Piece

Feb 20, 2007 01:27

Future-AU. For the people in the roleplay with him, this is extremely unlikely to happen. It was just too good of a mental image to waste. Of course, that also means that it's pretty sketchy.


He came walking across the floor with a smile on his face and Autobot symbols on his door-wings. "Hullo, Jetstorm."

"Who the hell-?" Motormaster growled.

"Sideways." Jetstorm took a step back and then another, trying to put distance between himself and the nightmare-woven Delorean. Sideways didn't look scary, didn't look anything but harmless. He didn't even carry a visible weapon.

He terrified Jetstorm, and he knew Motormaster saw his terror and would take advantage of it somehow.

"More like Backwards, the way you're reacting." The big truck stepped between him and Sideways. "No one invited you to the party, Autobot. Get out before I rip your transmission out."

Sideways paused in front of Motormaster, and his Autobot symbols smiled. "Oh, look, I can complete the set."


"No!" Jetstorm shouted, fury replacing fear.

Sideways tilted his head to face Jetstorm. "No?"

The dark jet glanced at Motormaster, then back at the Delorean. When he spoke again, he used a language that he knew Motormaster would never have heard. The truck'former's anger had to be turned against him, but just as importantly, Sideways's attention had to be turned elsewhere. And the Delorean did generally keep his bargains. "[What price do you want for him and his, trickster?]"

"[Swear yourself to Unicron of your own free will. Make the unbreakable vow.]" A pause, and the smile on the Delorean's face turned nasty. "In Cybertronian."

The air became oppressively still, and Jetstorm bowed his head. "As you wish."

In the back of his mind, he let the rage and fear go, he dismissed all the joys he had felt as a free mechanism, banished it all under encryption key and then deleted said key. Better to be a servant and know nothing more than to remember what he once had. "I vow my service and my soul to the Chaos-Bringer for as long as there is light in my laser-core."

The look on Motormaster's face hurt in a way-

-And then Sideways closed his hand in a fist. "Sealed!"

Chaos-energy exploded around Jetstorm.

character: stunticons, writing, character: aerialcrons, character: sideways

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