Nexus RPG Frustrations

Jan 02, 2007 23:22

I'm still pretty frustrated over something that happened around Christmas in our current plotline.

Background for those who are interested: Assorted Transformers have been turned human and sold into slavery. Since the player for some of the very vital characters had to take a hiatus due to RL, a lot of the roleplaying action is going on among the people trying to rescue the slaves and the people trying to get the machine rebuilt so they can restore the transformed Transformers to their proper bodies.

Christmas Day, the remaining active player of an extremely vital Transformer-turned-human hit a Magic Reset button on her character. She has demonstrated no interest in trying to reconcile her character being reset with our ongoing plotline.

And this is frustrating as hell since at least one of the characters involved in rescue operations wouldn't be involved if it weren't for her character. Hell, one of the utterly major plotpoints wouldn't have happened at all without her character.

But she just... backed out. Because she couldn't keep up with the roleplay.

WE'VE GOT AN INDEX! An index for every post in the RP!

Except, of course, it's not because she can't keep up. It seems to be because one of her friends got annoyed at the rest of us and the way we roleplay. Apparently, we should slow down and wait for people who are not online to get a word in. Yeah, and when did you guys do that during the Void Saga? I seem to recall most of that being, oh, about seven of us, and we sure as hell didn't wait and see if anyone else wanted to get involved. But look, three of that seven are now complaining because other people are going on with their roleplays when they aren't online.

I guess if I weren't used to the concept that if you miss something, you miss something and should just catch up, I might be more sympathetic. But there's a big part of me that believes if you've got to go to bed, you should do something to make sure your character can be limbo while other characters play on. They shouldn't have to break up their gaming because you can't be on; that makes things not fun for them.

But maybe I'm an entitlement bitch. That's always a possibility.

ETA assorted clarifications: Yes, there was more to her resetting than her friend not liking some of the rest of us. I can understand and accept those other reasons, but it annoys the hell out of me that I have find out about them from a third-party.

I am angry over her leaving. I am really angry over the majority of us getting handed an excuse instead of the actual issues being brought up. I am not a mind-reader. I'm not even especially text-empathic. I'm willing to bet most of the rest of us aren't. If you don't say something, then other people won't know about it and nothing will be fixed.

rpg: nexusrp, bitching

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