And so sets the sun.

Dec 31, 2006 12:37

2006 is ending, and I for one am greatly hoping that 2007 will be a much better year. Less loneliness, less mental meltdowns, less drama, those would all be good things.

- 1280x800
- Finish up my 28s this year, as well as the 7 virtues/vices/minibots challenges. Finish up that one fic I still owe Seiberwing. Finish the Astrotrain fic.
- Research. There's a couple of different time-periods I want to set some original fiction in, but I'm still not fully comfortable writing there.
- Get out and do things. Go to the Anime Club meetings at college. Take a leisure class. Go explore the city some.
- Save money up for Dragon*Con and possibly BotCon.

new years

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