Advent #18: Falling Star

Dec 18, 2006 20:09

Quick note: Angsty Breakdown is up. Gen.

Title: Falling Star
Fandom: Original
Classification: Gen
Rating: PG


A streak of light and fire fell down from the deep darks of the heavens.

Rachel stood outside on her daddy's porch, pausing in the act of pulling on a sweater so she could watch the star fall. It was so cold out she could see her breath, but that just made the night crisp and clear. 'Sides, she liked the cold, and she liked the dark. It reminded her of just how different this was from her mother's place in the city.

She smiled and made a wish on the shooting star. Let this year be better than the last, let me find a guy who is as good to me as my dad, let me find a girl who can be a friend to me.

The star went out of sight behind the forested hills, and she pulled her sweater all the way on. The dog thumped his tail hopefully against the porch as she knelt down to attach the leash to his collar. A quick run up and down the road would do them both good.


Wings of light and thought withered as the creature fell, thick and heavy flesh closing around like chains. It was a struggle not to choke in disgust as fire and light were wrapped up and contained, as a heart began to beat and pale fluid pulse animate life through flesh.

The creature struck the ground with the sound of a mighty hammer, bones shattering. For a long time, there was only the dark and cold.

Then the wings, now feather and chitin and bone, stirred then folded neatly over a healing back covered in dusky skin. The creature, the male creature now, placed his hands against the earth and heaved himself upright.

His golden eyes did not quite reflect back what was around them, and they almost seemed to glow in the darkness.

Pale liquid that wasn't blood stopped pouring from his body as he took his first tentative step, and the skin knit over smoothly as he began to stride confidently through the woods. He paid no mind to the rocks that cut his feet or the branches that slapped across his bare flesh. The tiny pain was unnoticeable after all he had been through.

The mind that was not human and had never been human wrapped itself in the cloak of arrogance and set out to explore this new world.


(Today's situation is inspired by sapphirebreeze. To suggest tomorrow's flashfic, comment on this entry.)

writing meme: advent calendar, original fiction, writing meme: 28s

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