OC List, Part 1

Nov 24, 2006 20:57

This list is abridged, as it leaves out a lot of bit characters. Currently, it's just the Transformers OCs, 'cause it's so very, very long as it is.

Intended as a reference for this meme, and for general curiosity's sake.

Alt-Mode: Fuelstation, the block around it, the street in front and to the side of it, and the building across the street from it.
Faction: Decepticon
Note: A creation of the Constructicons, so thus pretty weird. She likes to eat people. She also likes big trucks. But she can lie.

Alt-Mode: Valkyrie VF-1X
Faction: Neutral
Note: One of Skyfire's buildkin, Morninglord also got to explore the universe during the Golden Age. Thing is, he's been out there, alone, for the last nine million years. He's so far around the bend, he's on another planet from it. And he's a Lovecraftian sorceror.

Alt-Mode: Seeker jet
Faction: Neutral
Note: Morninglord's deceased escort partner.

Alt-Mode: Cybertronian stereo
Faction: Decepticon
Note: The DJ of the Decepticon Empire. Has been running a radio show for the last three million years, though the majority of that time, there have barely been any listeners because of the Great Shutdown. His sudden popularity due to the awakening of a lot of bored soldiers weirds him out.

Tower 2142 (aka Tower Thunderstruck), Sector Seven
Faction: Decepticon

Alt-Mode: CH-47 Chinook helicopter or Cybertronian-equivalent
Note: The supply sergeant for the tower. A high-spirited fellow, prone to partying, with a bit of a kink for cassette-hosts. Is the lover of Echospinner.

Alt-Mode: Autobot-styled female car
Note: Ex-Autobot and the primary technician for the tower. She's a certified surgican engineer, who did her residency requirements under Hook's optics. She's also a mass-productionist, and a lot of the upgrade designs submitted to BuPers over the years come from her.

Alt-Mode: Pyramid jet
Note: Secondary technician and Heretic's lover. She's also got seven other lovers in her past who are still on the look-out for her. Four that wanna hold me, two that wanna stone me, and one that says she's a friend of mine...

Alt-Mode: Cybertronian bomber
Note: Commander of the tower. One of his arm-guns is a railgun. He uses this to nail disobedient subordinates to the wall, as well as its more martial uses. Unfortunately, he has Slingblight and Ethergleam under him in command.

Alt-Mode: Pyramid jet
Trinemates: Steelglide, Whipskimmer
Note: Slingblight is a chemical warfare specialist. He also uses his chemical munitions to lace his drinks. Heretic is about the only reason he hasn't killed himself yet. His whole trine is made up of 'tashies.

Alt-Mode: Pyramid jet
Trinemates: Fellshift, Windsurge
Note: Ethergleam is the Skippy of the Decepticon Army. Windsurge pretends not to know him a lot of the time, and Fellshift tries to.

Alt-Mode: Pyramid jet
Trinemates: Darkcharge, Nightstorm
Note: These three are identical golden Seekers, and they're from all the way back in the Golden Age. They are, in fact, three of the Seekers who served the mech who commissioned Soundwave.

Caelumount, Monitor Tower, Seventh Sector
Faction: Decepticon

Alt-Mode: SR-71 Blackbird, or Cybertronian equivalent
Note: The Sector Monitor. He looks like a very large conehead, with an art-deco style cone. He disdains mechs who cannot fly, and is noted for having been the second-in-command of a Monitor Tower twice before actually managing to get the job.

Alt-Mode: SR-71 Blackbird, or Cybertronian equivalent
Note: Heavenmonger's bodyguard, with a robot-mode like a Lovecraftian nightgaunt - black, barbed tail, back-mounted wings, faceless. He does have a small Decepticon symbol where his mouth should be.

Alt-Mode: Cybertronian sound equipment
Note: Second-in-command at the tower. Cassette-host. Effervescence's lover. Semi-professional sound sculptor, and quite determined to become the next Monitor.
  • Verboss: Humanoid, fond of large words. Larger than usual for a humanoid cassette, strong enough to toss Autobots around. Prefers to remain in the back and work with computers and people
  • Playback: Scuzzy!
  • Strafe: Jet
  • Wirestripper: Humanoid. Lean, orange with silver accents. Blue bandanna over his head (sky and royal blue, Stars and Bars). Good with infiltration, better with sabotage and assassination. Interrogator.

Alt-Mode: Cybertron Soundwave's magic spacejet form
Faction: Decepticon
Note: Long-range space scout, but he's also heavily armored. This is because he's decided he wants to climb to the bottom of the Sonic Canyons and then back up.
  • Locus: Female, white and blue Kickback-lookalike. Carries a staff-weapon. Infiltration/destruction unit.
  • Harbringer: Feline, bigger than Ravage. Will let Locus ride on him.

Alt-Mode: High-powered assault rifle
Faction: Neutral
Note: Tesseract has very heavy Autobot-sympathies and if it weren't for his methods, he'd probably wear the Autobrand. Leads a band of equally unpleasant neutrals.

Alt-Mode: Wingless pyramid jet
Faction: Neutral
Note: Ex-Decepticon, dishonorable discharge due to cowardice in the face of the enemy. Cunning enough to not get killed by his former comrades. He's attached himself to Tesseract.

Alt-Mode: Communications console
Faction: Neutral
Note: She can communicate and jam on almost any spectrum. She doesn't like to interact with most people, and she has a tendency to wander off with people's laser-cores after the rest of that person has been scavenged.

Alt-Mode: Pyramid jet
Faction: Decepticon
Note: Originally Caryatid's sister; after their third died, the trine split up. Needlefall eventually decided he was male and has been ever since. He's noted for his kinetic energy weapon strikes delivered from orbit on exactly the target set.

Dame Rumour's
Faction: Neutral

Dame Rumour
Alt-Mode: Cybertronian supersonic jet
Note: A neutral madame, runs the oldest and most respected brothel on Cybertron. Has huge... tracts of land.

Storm Bull
Alt-Mode: Tank, Cybertronian design
Note: Dame Rumour's bodyguard and the mech in charge of the bouncers. Big, chunky, and wears a battle-mask and visor.

Alt-Mode: Minibot hovercar
Note: Generally considered Dame Rumour's second and one of the most iconic girls associated with the brothel after Dame Rumour herself.

Alt-Mode: Cybertronian tow-truck
Note: The in-house medic for the brothel. He keeps the employees in top condition and can also be hired by customers to do medic work on them.

Alt-Mode: Unknown
Faction: Neutral
Note: A spiritualist and a member of the Disciples of the Gear. Also a very high-end confectioner, with a shop in the neutral quarter of Polyhex.

Alt-Mode: Su-27 Flanker, Lamborghini Diablo, or Cybertronian equivalents
Faction: Decepticon
Note: One of Shockwave's triple-changers. Military police, though she's served on the frontlines in the past. Hell of a sensualist.

Alt-Mode: Pyramid jet
Faction: Decepticon
Note: Garrison commander. Noted for perching, being able to out-stare a rock, and marrying Kup because the old mech told him lots of lovely stories.

Alt-Mode: Pyramid jet
Faction: Decepticon
Note: Shatterspike's second-in-command and eventual lover. Has no feet, just thruster heels. Also has buttwings.

Alt-Mode: Pyramid jet
Faction: Decepticon
Note: He used to have a name, but he legally removed it. No one's sure exactly why, but people have a tendency to go crazy around him. Though, he is a most sensible and level-headed Seeker.

Alt-Mode: F-15
Faction: Decepticon
Note: Duskwing and Sunstorm's wingmate aboard the Nemesis. He's got a bit of a reputation hanging over him, since Duskwing is artwork and Sunstorm went crazy and had to be killed. Redglass, however, is one of Megatron's elite - skilled flier, great shot, and pretty smart.

Artists and Arbiter's Clan

Alt-Mode: Cybertronian motorcycle
Faction: Neutral
Note: During the Golden Age, he was the premier bauble-maker, and he charged hellaciously high prices to create those pretty artists for rich mechs. He also brought them to life himself, and when that ability was destroyed, he went a'roaming. During the Great War, he is a noted sculptor, but he's still saddened by what he lost. Built Soundwave.

Alt-Mode: X-Wing or Cybertronian equivalent
Faction: Neutral
Note: Arbiter's personal servant and assistant, and the first bauble he built. Etude is a noted mathematician, and he's picked up quite a lot from Arbiter as regards engineering.

Alt-Mode: No set one; he's a living piece of metal origami paper
Faction: Decepticon
Note: Arbiter's masterpiece and one of the finest dancers he ever built. Flexagon is more of a nanite-swarm than a Transformer proper, and he is capable of changing his body however he sees fit. The limits are the components he has available. Very arrogant and likes to kill people.

Alt-Mode: Spaceship
Faction: Neutral
Note: One of the finest dancers of the Golden Age. Considered phenomenally ugly when he's not dancing.

Alt-Mode: Needle jet
Faction: Decepticon
Note: Painter that prefers to work in mech-fluids. One of Arbiter's close friends, and one of the few people who can work on Arbiter's paint.

Alt-Mode: Driller
Faction: Decepticon
Note: Jewelry-maker specializing in working in non-metals, such as glass, gems, plastics, bone, and stone. Prefers to work with glass.

Tick Tock
Alt-Mode: Minibot car
Faction: Decepticon
Note: Tempermental novelist. Noted for writing dark, creepy stories wherein the reader is lucky if the cast survives the entire story. The protagonist almost never does.

Alt-Mode: Dual-function air/water flier-looking thing
Faction: Decepticon
Note: A fairly new artist, circa 2000, who was inspired by Earth into creating fountains.

Alt-Mode: Seeker
Faction: Decepticon
Note: A young Seeker inspired by Earth to wood-carving.

Alt-Mode: Unknown
Faction: Autobot
Note: A POW among the Decepticons, who keep him around for the music he composes.

Blitzwing's Clutch
Faction: Decepticon

Butterfly Effect
Alt-Modes: Space shuttle, F-35
Note: Blitzwing, Catechism, Astrotrain, and Starscream's kid. One of nine. They're all triple-changers, and they may have inherited Starscream's ghostiness, depending on the universe. Butterfly Effect is the prettiest and the one who keeps getting dragged into weirdness.

Alt-Modes: F-35, MiG-25
Note: Identical F-35 mode to his brother, Biplane, and the two of them tend to go into aerial battles with one as an F-35 and one as their other plane-mode, then switch midway through the fight to confuse their opponents.

Alt-Modes: F-35, F-15
Note: Biplane tends to have problems with Scrapper. He's also expressed a strong desire to get a rebuild when he gets older so he doesn't have two jets for alt-modes.

Alt-Modes: tank, space shuttle
Note: Heavily-armored, lots of endurance... He can go for miles and miles.

Alt-Modes: tank, train
Note: The only one of the clutch without a flying alt-mode. He also tends to select ground-pounder boyfriends. Like most of Catechism's kids, he's got a lot of repressed anger.

Alt-Modes: F-35, train
Note: He exists.

Alt-Modes: MiG-25, train
Note: "The next person who says 'at least the trains run on time' gets their head ripped off."

Alt-Modes: F-35, tank
Note: He has a railgun! And apparently thinks he should have a train alt-mode.

Alt-Modes: F-15, tank
Note: For guy who turns into a tank, Zephyrtread seems awful light on his feet.

Servants of Unicron

Alt-Mode: Delorean
Note: Sideways comes across as a very nice guy when he's dealing with people, if sometimes a little strange or creepy. He's also the Thrall of Unicron, an almost Nyarlathotep-like figure.

Rodimus Void
Alt-Mode: Whatever Roddy Prime turns into
Note: Herald of Unicron! Corrupted Chosen One! General bastard!

Alt-Mode: Spacejet
Note: Reformatted G1 Silverbolt, wears his brothers' heads dangling from his wings. Floats everywhere. Really frickin' tough and strong, and he can toss lightning around.

  • Immolator: Drag Strip reformatted. Pyrokinetic, and he's prone to bursting into flame when he goes fast enough. Doesn't seem too bothered by this.
  • Dead Air: Wildrider reformatted. Can mute all sound coming from himself. He's rather excitable, and he's also the pilot and beloved of the Cocytus.
  • Bereaver: Dead End reformatted. His right side is utterly dead-looking, while his left side is alive. He can sense life instinctively.
  • Perdue: Breakdown reformatted. People don't notice him unless he wants them to. Is very possessive of Motormaster and tends to sneak into Autobot City to sleep on him.

Note: Not a Transformer. Rodimus Void's flagship. Sentient, in love with her pilot, and a bit silly at times.

Rodimus Nova
Alt-Mode: Whatever Roddy Prime turns into
Faction: Autobot
Note: Beloved of Primus! Sanctified Chosen One! Adorable and snugglesome!

Alt-Mode: Cannon
Faction: Neutral
Note: Paladin of Primus. Wields a two-handed spiked mace.

Star Fighter
Alt-Mode: Pyramid jet
Faction: Decepticon
Note: He has a spark disorder that causes his spark to 'flare' during times of stress. This sends him into a fit of coughing. He's sickly, so he's no good at fighting, but he makes a perfectly good clerk. He also seems to attract large purple overlords who want to shag him.
Fun Fact: This character concept was liberated from a very bad fic called "Primus's Gift".

Star Maker
Alt-Mode: Pyramid jet
Faction: Decepticon
Note: Has the reputation of being the local slut, even though she's only sleeping with two males. She's technically a demolitionist, but most people seem to forget that.

Star Healer
Alt-Mode: Pyramid jet
Faction: Decepticon
Note: Kicker of ass and taker of names. Also has some medical training in there somewhere. But is mostly noted for being a powerful fighter. Also, for changing his gender as she sees fit.

Alt-Mode: Pyramid jet
Faction: Decepticon
Note: Galvatron and Star Fighter's daughter. Generally considered an unwanted surprise, and she grew up never knowing who her father was. She thinks it's Cyclonus. She did get a fair amount of strength and toughness from her daddy, but she also got her mother's spark disorder.
Fun Fact: This is actually Seiberwing's character.

Alt-Mode: Pyramid jet
Faction: Decepticon
Note: A young, very recently widowed Seeker. She's a bit on the runty side. Takes up with Starshock when the other is needing a trine. Very, very ambitious and smart.

Beast Wars

Alt-Mode: Alien flier with wings
Faction: Maximal
Note: A biologist on one of the Maximal colony worlds. Finds X when he crash-lands on her world and takes him in. X eventually becomes her friend then lover, and is slowly driving her insane.
Not the same girl as the one just above.

Alt-Mode: Human female
Faction: Maximal
Note: A Maximal spy on the Earth of the modern Maximal times. He's undercover almost all of the time, and he's married into the human species.

series: transformers, original character list

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