Wherein Reflector uses his awesome powers of lying and misdirection to mess with Foxfire's head.
Caribbean Sea
Washing the northern coast of South America and the eastern coasts of Central America and southern Mexico, the Caribbean Sea evokes images of golden, sundrenched tropical beaches fringed by coconut palms, warm, sparkling blue lagoons, and pirate treasure. These waters were once the hunting grounds of such notorious buccaneers as Blackbeard, Jean Lafitte, and Henry Morgan, but nowadays draw less socially-unacceptable sports fishers, vacationers, and cruise ships instead. In these historic waters are the equally historic islands of Jamaica, Puerto Rico, Hispaniola, and Cuba.
Room Contents:
Solar Flare
Obvious exits:
Northwest [NW] leads to Gulf of Mexico.
Southeast [SE] leads to Trinidad Oil Fields.
Southwest [SW] leads to Panama Canal.
East [E] leads to Western Central Atlantic.
Fly [Up]
Foxfire has arrived.
Reflector hovers high above the open pit of the Falcondo Mine in the Dominican Republic. Thanks to the wonders of the Internet, he has been flitting from one "highest production" nickel mine to the next, scoping out security and the setup. Only two of him are up high right now; the other is skulking around on the ground, trying to keep out of sight and generally disturbing the workers.
Foxfire needs the peace and quiet. He is, unfortunately for Reflector, near where the three-component Decepticon is lurking about, and is dangerously close to the one on the ground. However, he is also hidden, and...napping? That's right, the little tapebot is offline with his head resting on his front paws, looking like all he wants is the rest.
Reflector moves quietly around the work-site, paying careful attention to the bulldozers at work. They're mostly Caterpillar yellow, sadly, but it would not be inconceivable to slip a lime-green one in there. His path around the mine is marked by softly rustling foliage, and people who've seen Jurassic Park might be finding this a trifle nerve-racking.
Foxfire flicks an ear and shifts slightly, as if he senses something is amiss even while he sleeps. Gradually, he comes online. A frown crosses his muzzle as he wonders what woke him up. Enemies nearby, maybe? The fox gets to his paws and peeks out hiding...
The bushes rustle gently. There is no wind right now, but the lush green leaves of jungle plants rustle as if something behind them has disturbed them.
Foxfire snaps to attention, the rustling of the bushes catching his attention. He extends his claws and crouches down, quietly slinking toward the foliage with the clear intention of investigating...
Reflector isn't quite paying attention to what's behind him. He is aware, of course, that there are things behind him, but none of them are especially large and organic, and the idea that there would be an Autobot around here is ludicrous.
Which just goes to show that Reflector needs to get out more.
Foxfire comes closer...closer...and stops. He crouches down even farther, like a tiger ready to attack. He takes one more step...and then pounces!
CLANG! And down Reflector goes as suddenly there is a fox-tape on his back. He catches himself before he does a faceplant, but this is still highly embarrassing.
Foxfire holds on tight to the Reflector component he has "captured". "Sneakin' around?" he chirps, not a hint of aggressive in his voice. He is, however, annoyed that his nap was disturbed.
"Yes." Reflector gets an elbow under him. "I was."
Foxfire hms to himself. "Care to tell me why?"
You say, "Not particularly, no." Reflector looks thoughtful. "Care to get off me?"
Foxfire pretends to think about this for a moment, then beams. "Nope!"
Reflector sighs. Well, creates the sound of a sigh with his vocoder. "I didn't think so." He gets his other arm under him and prepares to lever himself upright.
Foxfire looks around before asking his next question. "So where are the other two thirds of you?"
You say, "Having wild, raunchy sex with Comcast." Reflector has been reading far too much of the Internet lately, really, if that's his answer. Then again, he's a strange robot. "Skywarp was better."
Foxfire blinks, or at least gives the impression of doing so. "Sex...?" he says slowly, the word soundly strange to him. "Isn't that what humans do to, uh..."
"Procreate," Reflector suggests helpfully.
"That's it." Foxfire still refuses to get off Reflector. "Why would you be having sex with Seekers?"
"They're pretty." Up in the sky, Reflector is tittering to himself, and the Reflector component on the ground frantically makes things up. "Absolutely exquisite wings, very prominently displayed. And Comcast, unlike most, is intelligent."
Foxfire snorts. He seems mildly amused. "Intelligence is rare amongst Decepticons in general."
You say, "I know. It's a simply awful state of affairs." Reflector braces himself against the ground and heaves his upper torso erect, dislodging the fox-cassette. "Of course, there's something to be said about the Autobot state of affairs here."
Foxfire pouts slightly as he is no longer on Reflector, then he blinks again and perks his ears. "What d'you mean?"
Reflector turns over and brushes dirt off his front. He glances up at Foxfire briefly, his optics glinting. He honestly sounds contrite when he answers Foxfire. "Oh, no, no, I couldn't say that. It's probably just slander anyway."
Foxfire gives Reflector a weird look, then a realization comes to mind and his optics widen. "I almost forgot! What're you *doing* here?"
Reflector smiles benovelently. He is full of love for his fellow Transformers. Or amusement at their follies. It's hard to tell the difference. "Taking pictures for my blog."
Foxfire arches a metallic brow. "Somehow I don't believe you... Except for the 'taking pictures' part."
"It's amazing," Reflector drawls, "How often people believe that I'm taking pictures."
Foxfire rolls his optics and shakes his head. He glances toward the sky, hoping to catch a glimpse of the other two Reflector components. "You're weird..."
Reflector considers folding Foxfire into cassette-mode and taking him home. "Am I really? Why do you say that?"
Foxfire raises a front paw and uses it to tap Reflector in the chest. "'Cause ya are. Tell me what yer here for or I'll sharpen my fangs on you."
You say, "I already told you what I was here for." Reflector rolls his shoulders to flex the joints, then prepares to stand up. "One wonders why you're down here, though."
Foxfire coughs, or makes a sound close to one, in apparent embarrassment. "I was...on patrol. Yeah..."
Reflector casually reaches out and scritches Foxfire behind the ears. "Ah, of course. I should never have guessed otherwise."
Foxfire makes an odd sound in his vocalizer and leans in to the petting. He doesn't care who it's from; he's getting *scritches*! And look, there goes his tail, wagging.
This is just... too adorable for words. He must give Soundwave a brand new fox-cassette, he simply has to! And clearly, the best way to do that is to lull Foxfire into a false sense of security by scritching him.
Foxfire's tail starts wagging even faster. It's a lot like when Bonecrusher started rubbing his belly, only this time, Foxfire isn't drunk out of his mind.
Reflector coos gently, "You are a cute little cassette. Wouldn't you like a nice strong host like Soundwave, mmm?"
Foxfire promptly stops wagging his tail and looks at Reflector like he's insane. Which, of course, he probably is. "But...I have Blaster!" he whines.
"Mm-hmm..." Reflector smiles, his hand slipping around to catch hold of Foxfire's jaw. "And how often is dear Blaster actually around, Foxfire? Often enough to satisfy you?"
Foxfire starts whimpering slightly, lowering his ears. "He...he's around!"
Reflector rubs gently at the underside of Foxfire's jaw with one finger. "Not enough, though, is he?"
Foxfire wants to pull away, but finds himself unwilling to do so. "Stop messing with my head, you freak! Blaster's around when I need him to be!"
Reflector's smile gets a trifle... sharper. "I'm just talking, Foxfire. Everything in your head is just from you."
Foxfire jerks his head away from Reflector at last, snarling quietly and showing his fangs. "Just leave me alone!"
Reflector remains seated on the ground, his hand still extended. Slowly, he lowers it to the ground and makes a great show of climbing to his feet and brushing the dirt off. "All right. But..."
Foxfire flicks an ear, giving Reflector a suspicious look. "But...?"
Reflector smirks. "If you change your mind, just Google me. I do have a blog with valid contact information." His feet leave the ground gently.
Foxfire arches an optic. "Google...? Well, okay. But I doubt you'll hear from me."
Reflector shrugs. "Perhaps. But I like to leave the option open." He sketches a brief bow, then soars off into the sky. Away from his other components who've already started back towards the NCC.
Foxfire watches Reflector go, and though he says nothing, he's contemplating what the spy has said to him. With a sigh, he starts on his way. He's had enough of this country for now; he wants to go back to the States, and his quarters in Autobot City.