[Stuntismut] Laying on of Hands

Oct 11, 2006 16:13

Title: Laying on of Hands
Characters: Megatron/Motormaster
Word Count: 1028
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Megatron takes delight in his creation.
Author's Notes: This was originally written for mecha_erotica's Sintember challenge, but it happily fulfills certain requirements for being one of my fanfic100 entries.

My Little Table

Laying on of Hands )

character: megatron, character: stunticons, writing, series: g1 transformers, table: fanfic100

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Comments 3

dragoness_e October 12 2006, 18:25:45 UTC
Hot, very hot!

But I'd worry about that powered-up fusion cannon going off with someone yanking my trigger-guard...


ravenclaw_devi October 12 2006, 20:49:42 UTC
Excellent! Even my feeling squeamish at the pairing couldn't keep me from enjoying your very good writing.

The trigger-guard part made me giggle, knowing where Megatron's trigger is and all... XD

My only quibble is with this -

Then his own overload hit like a freight train.

Maybe it's just me, but I've just read too many fics where orgasm "hit like a freight train." It's become one of those cliché phrases that have been overused until they don't mean anything anymore, you know?

And a small nitpick:

Megatron lashed out and siezed his creation by the throat with one hand.

It's "seized." (One of the exceptions to "i before e" - blame whoever codified the English language.)


beckyh2112 October 12 2006, 21:13:43 UTC
Maybe it's just me, but I've just read too many fics where orgasm "hit like a freight train." It's become one of those cliché phrases that have been overused until they don't mean anything anymore, you know?

Hit like Astrotrain? ^_~

Wasn't sure how else to put it, since I wanted to convey that it hit moderately hard (since, well, Megatron getting hit by Astrotrain a freight train probably isn't as traumatic for him as it would be for a human) and fast. And you know, he saw it coming.

Oooh, spelling correction! *toddles off to fix*

Am otherwise glad you liked it. *preens* Though, yes, the pairing was deliberately emphasized in its wrongness. Didn't have much in the way of seduction going on, so I figured I'd emphasize the 'sin'.


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