Writerly Angst

Sep 15, 2006 10:57

Because nothing says you're an artist like having issues based around your artwork. *sighs*

I don't really do so well with plots. This is more from a lack of practice than anything else, in my opinion, but I have a hard time holding onto interest in a story long enough to write out a full plot. It's pretty irritating, actually.

That's not quite what this is about, though. No, what this is about is that I tend to write short stories, and for a long time, I didn't resolve everything at what I thought was the end of the story. One of the most influential short stories I read when I was younger was "The Lady or the Tiger?", so I can see where that was coming from.

But it's really disheartening to work so hard on a story, even up to a few years ago, and then show it to my mother and have her ask where the rest of it was. It gave me a sense that what I wrote wasn't a story, wasn't good enough.

Damn it, unless I specify that a story is unfinished, that's what you're getting when I show it off.

And I guess this is something that still bothers me these days. It's bloody irritating, getting my mood pushed down by praise for someone else's meme-fic just because the reviewer commented that said writing was a story, unlike a lot of other writing done for the same meme. I like the meme-fic, and praise for it should make me happy...

... But I really can't let go of the old sense that I'm not writing stories, my writing isn't good enough.

angst, writing

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