Just when I think I am so on top of things, I get rudely reminded that every moment I'm balancing on the edge of the cliff. This morning Thea's and Faith's schools opened two hours late, so I carefully calculated when we needed to leave in order to stop at Dunkin Donuts before the school run. Everything went perfectly -- we got out of the house with no fighting and no nagging and I was feeling great since I got to "sleep in." I was on track to be to work soon after 10 am. At the babysitter's I pulled Holly out of her carseat and scolded her for taking off her socks and shoes yet again. I figured she'd have to deal with cold feet as I carried her up the sidewalk to the house. So I shoved the truck door shut behind me... and smashed her toes in the door.
Forty minutes later she was finally mostly done crying, I was finished crying, and I'd decided that she didn't need a trip to the doctor. Her big toe got most of the damage, but I don't think it's broken, although there is plenty of blood behind the toenail and I'm sure the toe will bruise up good. The second toe got a piece of skin sliced off so it bled plenty too. Holly refused a Band-Aid -- I think she equates them with the four shots she had to get two weeks ago at the pediatrician's office.
Poor little toes.
New pictures from
January and February up on our website -- no more bloody toe pictures, I promise.