The best remedy for lonliness

Nov 09, 2001 22:03

My boyfriend moved home this evening. Home for him is New Jearsey. That sets us a continent apart. His plane left at 8:40 pm PST.

I can understand why he wanted to go home... He missed his friends and family, he couldn't find a job out here, and he didn't have anyone here but me. I respect and even support his decision. I am certain he'll be happier in New Jersey than he was here.

Either it hasn't sunk in yet, or I'm just taking it better than I thought. I haven't cried at all, I just feel kinda sad. I must say, though, that the apartment looks quite a bit emptier without his things here. And, with my sister housesitting for my mom, I'm alone here with my cat.

You know, pets can offer the best kind of solice, sometimes. Phibrizzo is currently curled up on my computer desk--a place she hasn't slept in a long time--snoozing lightly, as a cat is wont to do. Just a minute ago, in fact, she started ear-sucking in her sleep! It was so cute!

Hmm? "Ear-sucking?" you ask... Let me explain.

We fingure that Brizzo was taken from her mother at a young age, because when I rescued her from the vet, she immediately aquired the habbit of sucking on my or my sister's earlobe. (Actually, anyone with a detatched earlobe will do.) We figure it was because she technically should have still been nursing, even though she did fine with regular dry catfood. But it was really cute, and she does that every day. I don't let her suck on my ear at night becuase it wakes me up and/or keeps me awake when I'm desperately trying to sleep.


I'm also listening to some soothing folk music to keep this place from sounding too quiet. I hate absolute silence.

But, yeah. I'm sad and all, but I think I won't get too sad because it's what's best for him.
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