hope you like it! :D please feel free to add things if you get good ideas :)
Weight is obviously ignored in casting, because all hollywood actresses and actors are rediculously thin and fit. :)
Voracious: dead sexy Alpha Female Kathleen Turner (VI Worshowski and The War of the Roses)
Josc: Kate Winslett (titanic)
WarrenM: Peter O'Tool (Club Paradise and some other things... usually playing a goofy drunk english guy)
me: Drew Barrymore with dark red hairs (i didn't suggest this, a friend of mine did, and then i asked dustin about it, and he says i got the same plump cheeks, so i'll go with it) :D
Rauseo: Jake Black (smartass obnoxious guy from Shallow Hal and High Fidelity and also lead singer in Tenacious D... Rauseo is also a good writer of the poetry. please compare the old link for "Fuck her Gently" to some of Rauseo's poetry entries on his lj)
Erazor: Zhang Ziyi from Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon cause she kicks butt and kickboxing and she's got a level head on her shoulders :D
BKowal: Jeff Goldbloom (goofy, smart, tall guy with big nose in The Fly and Jarasic Park)
fars1de: Daniel Radcliffe from Harry Potter... this was decided when we first saw the trailers... sorry tony! :D
Kibler: Corey Haim from the early 80's (goonies)
MichelleB: Michelle Pfieffer, more specifically as Cat Woman in Batman Returns. Both ladies are known for their lusterous lips (even if they are different shapes), and they both look WONDERFUL in black leather.
Dustin166: Silent Bob. I know, its not a good physical match, but dustin looks just about the same when he wears his trench coat and his baseball hat with a cigarette in his hand. And he's just as quiet and reserved, and he's a nice stoner boy hiding diabolical plans to take over the world... i mean mall...
Swills: John Cusick from High Fidelity. Goofy guy with lots of swinging back and forth with moods, but loveable all the same. :)
Lizou214: Gweneth Paltrow. :) Liz is very dynamic with the boyz and gets everything paid for and taken care of. Her current boy Chris Benafel would make a good Ben Afflec and Gwen and Ben used to be an item i think. :)
Senhouse: Tom Hanks, because senhouse is a great mix of laughs and seriousness. :) Half comedy and half drama, never mixing the two, but great in both seperately.