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Apr 12, 2006 14:22

Does anyone remember that pretty awful motivational speaker we had at an assembly a few years ago? He had people play Simon Says to prove some point. I think he was speaking about drunk driving or something, but he kept saying, "Take advantage of your opportunities," over and over. At least 15 times in the 40-minute presentation. Over the past few days I have been hearing his voice run through my head repeatedly. "Take advantage of your opportunities... take advantage of your opportunities..." because I clearly am not. I am obviously not getting as much as I could out of my classes, or out of my college experience in general. I have been finding this realization quite troublesome, and it has only made me even less engaged.

I am pretty excited about the idea of going abroad second semester next year. I found a really amazing program in South Africa that could be quite incredible. However, when I am worried about even drudging up the academic energy for this semester, does it make sense to stick through a whole nother semester of school before taking off? It's hard because I am picking classes for next year and I am really excited about the prospects but... I was really excited about the prospects this semester as well, and some of them did turn out to be quite wonderful, but I am still not taking enough advantage of them at this point.

this line of thought may be continued later, but now something else!...
Last night Samantha Power came to speak at Oberlin (she wrote "A Problem From Hell": America and the Age of Genocide. read it!). She spoke about Iraq, but beforehand a few of us got to meet with her to talk about Sudan. Pretty much she is almost as amazing as Jonathan Safran Foer, but far less awkward! I feel really good about the direction that SAPS (Students Advocating for Peace in Sudan) is going right now, and my involvement in that. I will soon be having a meeting with President Nancy Dye to talk about divestment. I am so excited because it will give me an opportunity to tighten my already impeccable impression of her!

I must be off. Questions abound.
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