(no subject)

Apr 17, 2007 23:21

Well, on the one hand, I've been having a great time! I went to Chris's prom last Saturday and got all prettied up and I had such a great time. Chris was so handsome and we had such a good time dancing! And he took me to the beach afterwards, which was so romantic and made me hug him and give him lots of kisses >_> (I knew it, it was just an elaborate plot for kisses!)

Also, tonight I went to a dinner at The Breakers for the Scholastic Achievement Foundation and not only won a $1,000 scholarship, but got fed very yummy food and met a lot of old friends. There were 147 students there (each elected as the best students of their schools in Palm Beach County) and I swear I knew like 25% of them. I had no idea that I knew so many people in the county...although the fact that I went to school out of my district for all 18 years of my life might account for it. It was so much fun!

I also got my UF stuff straightened out and got my friend Dorothy to put me as her roomate for UF so I won't have to room with some random person! I'm so incredibly happy! (Although I'll probably spend all my time at Chris's apartment anyway...hehehe.)

And most wonderfully...Chris finally agreed to go to my prom with me! Squeeee! I'm so happy. It's going to be on a big cruise ship or yacht or something and it's going to be so much fun, I just can't wait. Although I know it probably won't be as special as the first time. The only bad things about being on a ship are:  1. if you get sea sick...that would really friggin suck  2. you can't leave early 3. apparently if there's even a hint of alcohol the skipper refuses to leave port and the whole shebang is cancelled 4. for some reason there's really super security on guests this year...they are calling PBC to find out about Chris, running a background check on him, and interviewing him. However, I expect it to be a lot of fun :D

Now, on the other and worser hand...I cracked the screen of my cell phone and my laptop died so I need to buy a new one of each. Hopefully I will have a new cell phone by tomorrow...and I will see if I can convince my mom to buy the laptop that I want this week. And before you go getting jealous, no she's not actually paying for it, I just don't have a credit card yet. I do plan on getting one soon.

Well I'm exhausted from my whole dinner at The Breakers thing (which was soooo much fun and totally a thing I'll never forget and I even got souvenirs :P yeah, I know I'm a dork), so it is bed time. Love you all!
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