Earth Day...

Apr 22, 2005 19:00

Today is Earth Day.  Happy Earth Day, Mother Earth....?  yeaa.

I haven't been feeling all that happy lately, I must be in a funk.  Boo.

My old roommate, Candace, has mono and her parents came to get her today.  She left for good.  It's going to be so weird without her on our hall for the next couple of weeks.  I hope she gets better soon.  I also hope she didn't give me mono (we shared ice cream and a soda last Sunday).  Ekk.

It is going to take me so long to move out.  I have too much crap.

Tomorrow is my birthday.  I'm going to go home to be with my family.  *note* If anyone wants to do anything later tomorrow night, let me know and we'll chill.

It is supposed to rain a lot this weekend.  Maaan that sucks.

I'm not excited about my birthday at all.  19.  Hmm.

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