We went to Benediction for lunch with Tamzen and Tocky. Feel free to read my positive and
snooty review of it.
I haven't seen Tocky since he went to Switzerland to work on an insane project creating synthetic muscles. It was great to see him. I hadn't prepared for my radio show at all, so I let Carl take it on auto-pilot. Afterwards we had a barbeque amongst some Oranjeboom. I spent way too much money on fine sausages and honey soy chicken kebabs at Ross's Super Meat store (he really enjoys his apostrophe).
Becky and I tied a few drinks on and we took our first trip from the not-so-new train station with Tocky, who was nice enough to drop us home. We had horrible dealings with Becky's student loan that night and we are stuck with a less than generous interest rate due to their trickery, it seems. We're still working on fixing that.
I woke up in an enormous funk, which has turned around 180.
Today we went for a merry jaunt around the streets, then I practiced drums for awhile. Work has not been forthcoming. Becky got to work on some fun paintings today, not prescribed work, which was nice. I figure tomorrow will be more productive.
We also managed to land another gallery show for Becky in 2010, so more information on that soon.