Mar 03, 2004 22:19
ToothPick513: but you can withstand a few homework deprived minutes eh?
beckyflecky: yes!
ToothPick513: cause there's something i have got to tell you about!
ToothPick513: ohhh yeah!!
beckyflecky: haha okay
ToothPick513: ok i got it now
ToothPick513: i had a dream ... i think it was like 2 days ago or something..
ToothPick513: not important...
ToothPick513: the thing is you were in it
ToothPick513: you broke into my house
ToothPick513: and were trying to find that song i wrote and steal it
ToothPick513: don;t have a clue why... but when i caught you, you tore out the pages and crumpled them up and ate them
ToothPick513: then laughed menacingly.... then i woke up
HAHAHAHAHHA. i was laughing so hard. she has the weirdest dreams ever. they're so strange. in the best way.
also, this was funny.
beckyflecky: hey i have a burning question. does fuego mean fire?
Daviot44: ow
Daviot44: owowowowow
Daviot44: that was such a bad pun, and i don't know if you even realized it
which, of course, i didn't. hahaha "fuego" was in his info and i wanted to ask him but i never remembered. and then i finally remembered and i asked him and he laughed at me and i laughed at myself and we all just laughed. tonight is a laughing night.
ahh, friends. particularly these ones who graduated. hahaha. =) i like friends.