The Library Is Unknowable

Sep 01, 2013 21:35

So, I, er, fell off the planet for a few days... Same stuff, different week.

* * *

Welcome To Night Vale has piqued my curiosity. I'm still ploughing through the podcasts (I think my last one was 'A Story About You') and it gets both a recommendation and thumbs up from me.

I don't know so much 'All Hail The Glowing Cloud' but all hail nialla42 as she only ever recommends the good stuff.

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In other news - my family is 'growing'. Sibling Unit 3 is getting married and we've been 'adopted' by a stray (not feral) cat, who has the bossiest meow going and will happily eat zie's own body weight in wet food given half a chance. The family are calling zie 'Midnight' - I think 'Noisy Hoover' would be better... even though that makes zie sound like a Jaeger.

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It's the start of the new academic year tomorrow. Let it be better than the last in some ways please!

And in 'Other Signs That It's Autumn/Fall' - here is the schedule and opening gambits for yuletide. Now begins the 'oh gawd - what am I going to *ask* for this year' angst. Other than Sunshine (2007) - because I always ask for that and ONE YEAR I WILL GET MY FIC!!!.

*ahem*. Carry on!

* * *

That's me - how are you guys?

oi!sunshine, real life stuff, squee, work

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